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Award ID contains: 1764089

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  1. Data physicalization has emerged as a new method to represent and interact with data physically rather than digitally. Physical representations afford visual analysis in comparable ways to traditional, desktop- based visualization by introducing new capabilities, such as facilitating tactile manipulation, accessible interactions, and immersion, that are beyond traditional 2D visualizations. However, physicalization has historically been a niche aspect of visualization research due to its unique challenges. This work discusses the current challenges and highlights three areas where data physicalization can aid existing research thrusts: broadening participation, supporting analytics, and promoting creative expression. 
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  2. Large datasets or 'big data' corpora are typically the domain of quantitative scholars, who work with computational tools to derive numerical and descriptive insights. However, recent work asks how computational tools and other technologies, such as AI, can support qualitative scholars in developing deep and complex insights from large amounts of data. Addressing this question, Jiang et al. found that qualitative scholars are generally opposed to incorporating AI in their practices of data analysis. In this paper, we provide nuance to these earlier findings, showing that the stage of qualitative analysis matters for how scholars believe AI can and should be used. Through interviews with 15 CSCW and HCI qualitative researchers, we explore how AI can be included throughout different stages of qualitative analysis. We find that qualitative scholars are amenable to working with AI in diverse ways, such as for data exploration and coding, as long as it assists rather than automates their analytic work practice. Based on our analysis, we discuss how incorporating AI into qualitative research can shift some analytic practices, and how designing for human-AI collaboration in qualitative analysis necessitates considering tradeoffs in scale, abstraction, and task delegation. 
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  3. null (Ed.)
  4. null (Ed.)
  5. Many domains require analyst expertise to determine what patterns and data are interesting in a corpus. However, most analytics tools attempt to prequalify “interestingness” using algorithmic approaches to provide exploratory overviews. This overview-driven workflow precludes the use of qualitative analysis methodologies in large datasets. This paper discusses a preliminary visual analytics approach demonstrating how visual analytics tools can instead enable expert-driven qualitative analyses at scale by supporting computer-in-the-loop mixed-initiative approaches. We argue that visual analytics tools can support rich qualitative inference by using machine learning methods to continually model and refine what features correlate to an analyst’s on-going qualitative observations and by providing transparency into these features in order to aid analysts in navigating large corpora during qualitative analyses. We illustrate these ideas through an example from social media analysis and discuss open opportunities for designing visualizations that support qualitative inference through computer-in-the-loop approaches. 
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