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Interacting particle system (IPS) models have proven to be highly successful for describing the spatial movement of organisms. However, it is challenging to infer the interaction rules directly from data. In the field of equation discovery, the weak-form sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (WSINDy) methodology has been shown to be computationally efficient for identifying the governing equations of complex systems from noisy data. Motivated by the success of IPS models to describe the spatial movement of organisms, we develop WSINDy for the second-order IPS to learn equations for communities of cells. Our approach learns the directional interaction rules for each individual cell that in aggregate govern the dynamics of a heterogeneous population of migrating cells. To sort a cell according to the active classes present in its model, we also develop a novel ad hoc classification scheme (which accounts for the fact that some cells do not have enough evidence to accurately infer a model). Aggregated models are then constructed hierarchically to simultaneously identify different species of cells present in the population and determine best-fit models for each species. We demonstrate the efficiency and proficiency of the method on several test scenarios, motivated by common cell migration experiments.more » « less
This paper presents an online algorithm for identification of partial differential equations (PDEs) based on the weak-form sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics algorithm (WSINDy). The algorithm is online in a sense that if performs the identification task by processing solution snapshots that arrive sequentially. The core of the method combines a weak-form discretization of candidate PDEs with an online proximal gradient descent approach to the sparse regression problem. In particular, we do not regularize the ℓ0 -pseudo-norm, instead finding that directly applying its proximal operator (which corresponds to a hard thresholding) leads to efficient online system identification from noisy data. We demonstrate the success of the method on the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the nonlinear wave equation with time-varying wavespeed, and the linear wave equation, in one, two, and three spatial dimensions, respectively. In particular, our examples show that the method is capable of identifying and tracking systems with coefficients that vary abruptly in time, and offers a streaming alternative to problems in higher dimensions.more » « less
Deshmukh, Jyotirmoy V. ; Havelund, Klaus ; Perez, Ivan (Ed.)Reachability analysis is a fundamental problem in verification that checks for a given model and set of initial states if the system will reach a given set of unsafe states. Its importance lies in the ability to exhaustively explore the behaviors of a model over a finite or infinite time horizon. The problem of reachability analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is especially challenging because it involves reasoning about the continuous states of the system as well as its switching behavior. Each of these two aspects can by itself cause the reachability analysis problem to be undecidable. In this paper, we survey recent progress in this field beginning with the success of hybrid systems with affine dynamics. We then examine the current state-of-the-art for CPS with nonlinear dynamics and those driven by ``learning-enabled'' components such as neural networks. We conclude with an examination of some promising directions and open challenges.more » « less
We propose a predictive runtime monitoring framework that forecasts the distribution of future positions of mobile robots in order to detect and avoid impending property violations such as collisions with obstacles or other agents. Our approach uses a restricted class of temporal logic formulas to represent the likely intentions of the agents along with a combination of temporal logic-based optimal cost path planning and Bayesian inference to compute the probability of these intents given the current trajectory of the robot. First, we construct a large but finite hypothesis space of possible intents represented as temporal logic formulas whose atomic propositions are derived from a detailed map of the robot’s workspace. Next, our approach uses real-time observations of the robot’s position to update a distribution over temporal logic formulae that represent its likely intent. This is performed by using a combination of optimal cost path planning and a Boltzmann noisy rationality model. In this manner, we construct a Bayesian approach to evaluating the posterior probability of various hypotheses given the observed states and actions of the robot. Finally, we predict the future position of the robot by drawing posterior predictive samples using a Monte-Carlo method. We evaluate our framework using two different trajectory datasets that contain multiple scenarios implementing various tasks. The results show that our method can predict future positions precisely and efficiently, so that the computation time for generating a prediction is a tiny fraction of the overall time horizon.more » « less
In this paper, we propose polynomial forms to represent distributions of state variables over time for discrete-time stochastic dynamical systems. This problem arises in a variety of applications in areas ranging from biology to robotics. Our approach allows us to rigorously represent the probability distribution of state variables over time, and provide guaranteed bounds on the expectations, moments and probabilities of tail events involving the state variables. First, we recall ideas from interval arithmetic, and use them to rigorously represent the state variables at time t as a function of the initial state variables and noise symbols that model the random exogenous inputs encountered before time t. Next, we show how concentration of measure inequalities can be employed to prove rigorous bounds on the tail probabilities of these state variables. We demonstrate interesting applications that demonstrate how our approach can be useful in some situations to establish mathematically guaranteed bounds that are of a different nature from those obtained through simulations with pseudo-random numbers.more » « less
null (Ed.)We present a predictive runtime monitoring technique for estimating future vehicle positions and the probability of collisions with obstacles. Vehicle dynamics model how the position and velocity change over time as a function of external inputs. They are commonly described by discrete-time stochastic models. Whereas positions and velocities can be measured, the inputs (steering and throttle) are not directly measurable in these models. In our paper, we apply Bayesian inference techniques for real-time estimation, given prior distribution over the unknowns and noisy state measurements. Next, we pre-compute the set-valued reachability analysis to approximate future positions of a vehicle. The pre-computed reachability sets are combined with the posterior probabilities computed through Bayesian estimation to provided a predictive verification framework that can be used to detect impending collisions with obstacles. Our approach is evaluated using the coordinated-turn vehicle model for a UAV using on-board measurement data obtained from a flight test of a Talon UAV. We also compare the results with sampling-based approaches. We find that precomputed reachability analysis can provide accurate warnings up to 6 seconds in advance and the accuracy of the warnings improve as the time horizon is narrowed from 6 to 2 seconds. The approach also outperforms sampling in terms of on-board computation cost and accuracy measures.more » « less