Recently, due to accelerations in urban and industrial development, the health impact of air pollution has become a topic of key concern. Of the various forms of air pollution, fine atmospheric particulate matter (PM2.5; particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter) appears to pose the greatest risk to human health. While even moderate levels of PM2.5can be detrimental to health, spikes in PM2.5to atypically high levels are even more dangerous. These spikes are believed to be associated with regionally specific meteorological factors. To quantify these associations, we develop a Bayesian spatiotemporal quantile regression model to estimate the spatially varying effects of meteorological variables purported to be related to PM2.5levels. By adopting a quantile regression model, we are able to examine the entire distribution of PM2.5levels; for example, we are able to identify which meteorological drivers are related to abnormally high PM2.5levels. Our approach uses penalized splines to model the spatially varying meteorological effects and to account for spatiotemporal dependence. The performance of the methodology is evaluated through extensive numerical studies. We apply our modeling techniques to 5 years of daily PM2.5data collected throughout the eastern United States to reveal the effects of various meteorological drivers.
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Abstract -
Abstract Due to reductions in both time and cost, group testing is a popular alternative to individual‐level testing for disease screening. These reductions are obtained by testing pooled biospecimens (eg, blood, urine, swabs, etc.) for the presence of an infectious agent. However, these reductions come at the expense of data complexity, making the task of conducting disease surveillance more tenuous when compared to using individual‐level data. This is because an individual's disease status may be obscured by a group testing protocol and the effect of imperfect testing. Furthermore, unlike individual‐level testing, a given participant could be involved in multiple testing outcomes and/or may never be tested individually. To circumvent these complexities and to incorporate all available information, we propose a Bayesian generalized linear mixed model that accommodates data arising from any group testing protocol, estimates unknown assay accuracy probabilities and accounts for potential heterogeneity in the covariate effects across population subgroups (eg, clinic sites, etc.); this latter feature is of key interest to practitioners tasked with conducting disease surveillance. To achieve model selection, our proposal uses spike and slab priors for both fixed and random effects. The methodology is illustrated through numerical studies and is applied to chlamydia surveillance data collected in Iowa.
Abstract Recent advances in sequencing and genotyping technologies are contributing to a data revolution in genome‐wide association studies that is characterized by the challenging large
p smalln problem in statistics. That is, given these advances, many such studies now consider evaluating an extremely large number of genetic markers (p ) genotyped on a small number of subjects (n ). Given the dimension of the data, a joint analysis of the markers is often fraught with many challenges, while a marginal analysis is not sufficient. To overcome these obstacles, herein, we propose a Bayesian two‐phase methodology that can be used to jointly relate genetic markers to binary traits while controlling for confounding. The first phase of our approach makes use of a marginal scan to identify a reduced set of candidate markers that are then evaluated jointly via a hierarchical model in the second phase. Final marker selection is accomplished through identifying a sparse estimator via a novel and computationally efficient maximum a posteriori estimation technique. We evaluate the performance of the proposed approach through extensive numerical studies, and consider a genome‐wide application involving colorectal cancer. -
null (Ed.)Abstract Computer model calibration typically operates by fine-tuning parameter values in a computer model so that the model output faithfully predicts reality. By using performance targets in place of observed data, we show that calibration techniques can be repurposed for solving multi-objective design problems. Our approach allows us to consider all relevant sources of uncertainty as an integral part of the design process. We demonstrate our proposed approach through both simulation and fine-tuning material design settings to meet performance targets for a wind turbine blade.more » « less
High‐volume testing of clinical specimens for sexually transmitted diseases is performed frequently by a process known as group testing. This algorithmic process involves testing portions of specimens from separate individuals together as one unit (or “group”) to detect diseases. Retesting is performed on groups that test positively in order to differentiate between positive and negative individual specimens. The overall goal is to use the least number of tests possible across all individuals without sacrificing diagnostic accuracy. One of the most efficient group testing algorithms is array testing. In its simplest form, specimens are arranged into a grid‐like structure so that row and column groups can be formed. Positive‐testing rows/columns indicate which specimens to retest. With the growing use of multiplex assays, the increasing number of diseases tested by these assays, and the availability of subject‐specific risk information, opportunities exist to make this testing process even more efficient. We propose specific specimen arrangements within an array that can reduce the number of retests needed when compared with other array testing algorithms. We examine how to calculate operating characteristics, including the expected number of tests and the SD for the number of tests, and then subsequently find a best arrangement. Our methods are illustrated for chlamydia and gonorrhea detection with the Aptima Combo 2 Assay. We also provide R functions to make our research accessible to laboratories.
null (Ed.)Abstract Calibration of computer models and the use of those design models are two activities traditionally carried out separately. This paper generalizes existing Bayesian inverse analysis approaches for computer model calibration to present a methodology combining calibration and design in a unified Bayesian framework. This provides a computationally efficient means to undertake both tasks while quantifying all relevant sources of uncertainty. Specifically, compared with the traditional approach of design using parameter estimates from previously completed model calibration, this generalized framework inherently includes uncertainty from the calibration process in the design procedure. We demonstrate our approach to the design of a vibration isolation system. We also demonstrate how, when adaptive sampling of the phenomenon of interest is possible, the proposed framework may select new sampling locations using both available real observations and the computer model. This is especially useful when a misspecified model fails to reflect that the calibration parameter is functionally dependent upon the design inputs to be optimized.more » « less
When screening for infectious diseases, group testing has proven to be a cost efficient alternative to individual level testing. Cost savings are realized by testing pools of individual specimens (eg, blood, urine, saliva, and so on) rather than by testing the specimens separately. However, a common concern that arises in group testing is the so‐called “dilution effect.” This occurs if the signal from a positive individual's specimen is diluted past an assay's threshold of detection when it is pooled with multiple negative specimens. In this article, we propose a new statistical framework for group testing data that merges estimation and case identification, which are often treated separately in the literature. Our approach considers analyzing continuous biomarker levels (eg, antibody levels, antigen concentrations, and so on) from pooled samples to estimate both a binary regression model for the probability of disease and the biomarker distributions for cases and controls. To increase case identification accuracy, we then show how estimates of the biomarker distributions can be used to select diagnostic thresholds on a pool‐by‐pool basis. Our proposals are evaluated through numerical studies and are illustrated using hepatitis B virus data collected on a prison population in Ireland.