What is interdisciplinary research? Why is it vital to the advancement of the field of hazards and disaster research? What theory, methods, and approaches are fundamental to interdisciplinary research projects and their applications? This article addresses these and other pressing questions by taking stock of recent advancements in interdisciplinary studies of hazards and disasters. It also introduces the special issue of
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Abstract Risk Analysis , which includes this introductory article and 25 original perspectives papers meant to highlight new trends and applications in the field. The papers were written following two National Science Foundation‐supported workshops that were organized in response to the growing interest in interdisciplinary hazards and disaster research, the increasing number of interdisciplinary funding opportunities and collaborations in the field, and the need for more rigorous guidance for interdisciplinary researchers and research teams. This introductory article and the special collection are organized around the cross‐cutting themes of theory, methods, approaches, interdisciplinary research projects, and applications to advance interdisciplinarity in hazards and disaster research. -
Abstract What if we used the stories that researchers and practitioners tell each other as tools to advance interdisciplinary disaster research? This article hypothesizes that doing so could foster a new mode of collaborative learning and discovery. People, including researchers, regularly tell stories to relate “what happened” based on their experience, often in ways that augment or contradict existing understandings. These stories provide naturalistic descriptions of context, complexity, and dynamic relationships in ways that formal theories, static data, and interpretations of findings can miss. They often do so memorably and engagingly, which makes them beneficial to researchers across disciplines and allows them to be integrated into their own work. Seeking out, actively inviting, sharing, and discussing these stories in interdisciplinary teams that have developed a strong sense of trust can therefore provide partial escape from discipline‐specific reasoning and frameworks that are so often unconsciously employed. To develop and test this possibility, this article argues that the diverse and rapidly growing hazards and disaster field needs to incorporate a basic theoretical understanding of stories, building from folkloristics and other sources. It would also need strategies to draw out and build from stories in suitable interdisciplinary research forums and, in turn, to find ways to incorporate the discussions that emanate from stories into ongoing analyses, interpretations, and future lines of interdisciplinary inquiry.
The 2022 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census summarizes the results of responses gathered from 1,521 social scientists who responded to the SSEER survey between its release date on July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2022. This report characterizes the diversity, disciplinary skills, and expertise within the research community. It is organized into the following categories: (1) number of researchers; (2) researcher geographic location; (3) disciplinary background and expertise; (4) educational and professional background; (5) level of involvement in hazards and disaster research (core, periodic, situational, emerging); (6) research methods and approaches; (7) disaster types, phases, number of extreme events studied, and names of specific extreme events studied; and (8) researcher demographic characteristics. The document concludes with references for further review and a brief description of the SSEER network. This annual report responds to longstanding calls to better characterize the skills and demographic composition of the hazards and disaster workforce. The 2018-2022 SSEER Census reports are available for download as color and black & white PDF files at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/sseer-census/. Social scientists who study hazards and disasters can become part of this network and annual count by joining SSEER at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/. More information on SSEER and the other National Science Foundation-funded reconnaissance and research networks is available on the CONVERGE website at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
The 2021 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census summarizes the results of responses gathered from 1,396 social scientists who responded to the SSEER survey between its release date on July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2021. This report characterizes the diversity, disciplinary skills, and expertise within the research community. It is organized into the following categories: (1) number of researchers; (2) researcher geographic location; (3) disciplinary background and expertise; (4) educational and professional background; (5) level of involvement in hazards and disaster research (core, periodic, situational, emerging); (6) research methods and approaches; (7) disaster types, phases, number of extreme events studied, and names of specific extreme events studied; and (8) researcher demographic characteristics. The document concludes with further readings, data citations, and a brief description of the SSEER network. This annual report responds to longstanding calls to better characterize the composition of the hazards and disaster workforce. The 2018-2021 SSEER Census reports are available for download as color and black & white PDF files at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/sseer-census/. Social scientists who study hazards and disasters can become part of this network and annual count by joining SSEER at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/. More information on SSEER and the other National Science Foundation-funded reconnaissance and research networks is available on the CONVERGE website at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
This dataset includes information regarding 648 social science researchers who signed up for the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network between July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2018. Researchers’ information is collected via an online survey that consists of 19 questions and takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. The envisioned audience for this data and other information includes those who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce, the events that they study, and their skills and expertise.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
This dataset includes information regarding 949 social science researchers who signed up for the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network between July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2019. Researchers’ information is collected via an online survey that consists of 19 questions and takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. The envisioned audience for this data and other information includes those who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce, the events that they study, and their skills and expertise.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
This dataset includes information regarding 1,230 social science researchers from around the world who signed up for the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network between July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2020. Researchers’ information is collected via an online survey that consists of 19 questions and takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. The envisioned audience for this data and other information includes those who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce, the events that they study, and their skills and expertise.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
This dataset includes information regarding 1,396 unique social science researchers who signed up for the Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network between July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2021. Researchers’ information is collected via an online survey that consists of 19 questions and takes approximately 7 minutes to complete. The envisioned audience for this data and other information includes those who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce, the events that they study, and their skills and expertise.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
The 2018 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census summarizes the results of responses gathered from 648 social scientists who filled out the SSEER survey between its release date on July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2018. This report characterizes the diversity and wide range of disciplinary skills and expertise among the research community. It is organized into the following categories: (1) researcher geographic location; (2) disciplinary background and expertise; (3) educational and professional background; (4) level of involvement in hazards and disaster research (core, periodic, situational, emerging); (5) research methods and approaches; (6) disaster types, phases, and specific extreme events studied; and (7) researcher demographic characteristics. The document concludes with further readings, a data citation, and a brief description of the SSEER network. This report—which is the first census of social scientists who study hazards and disasters—responds to longstanding calls to better characterize the composition of the hazards and disaster workforce. The 2018 SSEER Census is available for download via PDF and also online at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/sseer-census/. Social scientists who study hazards and disasters can become a part of this network and annual count by joining SSEER at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/. More information on SSEER and the other National Science Foundation-funded reconnaissance and research networks is available on the CONVERGE website at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less
The 2019 Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Census summarizes the results of responses gathered from 949 social scientists who filled out the SSEER survey between its release date on July 8, 2018 and December 31, 2019. This report characterizes the diversity and wide range of disciplinary skills and expertise among the research community. It is organized into the following categories: (1) researcher geographic location; (2) disciplinary background and expertise; (3) educational and professional background; (4) level of involvement in hazards and disaster research (core, periodic, situational, emerging); (5) research methods and approaches; (6) disaster types, phases, and specific extreme events studied; and (7) researcher demographic characteristics. The document concludes with further readings, data citations, and a brief description of the SSEER network. This annual report responds to longstanding calls to better characterize the composition of the hazards and disaster workforce. The 2018 and 2019 SSEER Census reports are available for download via PDF and also online at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/sseer-census/. Social scientists who study hazards and disasters can become a part of this network and annual count by joining SSEER at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer/. More information on SSEER and the other National Science Foundation-funded reconnaissance and research networks is available on the CONVERGE website at: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.This project includes a survey instrument, data, and annual census reports from the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) network, which is headquartered at the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) CONVERGE facility at the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado Boulder. The SSEER network, which was launched in 2018, was formed, in part, to respond to the need for more specific information about the status and expertise of the social science hazards and disaster research workforce. The mission of SSEER is to identify and map social scientists involved in hazards and disaster research in order to highlight their expertise and connect social science researchers to one another, to interdisciplinary teams, and to communities at risk to hazards and affected by disasters. Ultimately, the goals of SSEER are to amplify the contributions of social scientists and to advance the field through expanding the available social science evidence base. To see the SSEER map and to learn more about the SSEER initiative, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/sseer. All social and behavioral scientists and those in allied disciplines who study the human, economic, policy, and health dimensions of disasters are invited to join this network via a short online survey. This DesignSafe project includes: (1) the SSEER survey instrument; (2) de-identified data, which is updated annually as new researchers join the SSEER network and returning members update their information; and (3) SSEER annual census reports. These resources are available to all who are interested in learning more about the composition of the social science hazards and disaster workforce. SSEER is part of a larger ecosystem of NSF-funded extreme events research and reconnaissance networks designed to help coordinate disciplinary communities in engineering and the sciences, while also encouraging cross-disciplinary information sharing and interdisciplinary integration. To learn more about the networks and research ecosystem, please visit: https://converge.colorado.edu/research-networks/.more » « less