The single-ion anisotropy and magnetic interactions in spin-ice systems give rise to unusual non-collinear spin textures, such as Pauling states and magnetic monopoles. The effective spin correlation strength (
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Abstract J e f f ) determines the relative energies of the different spin-ice states. With this work, we display the capability of capacitive torque magnetometry in characterizing the magneto-chemical potential associated with monopole formation. We build a magnetic phase diagram of Ho2Ti2O7, and show that the magneto-chemical potential depends on the spin sublattice (α orβ ), i.e., the Pauling state, involved in the transition. Monte Carlo simulations using the dipolar-spin-ice Hamiltonian support our findings of a sublattice-dependent magneto-chemical potential, but the model underestimates theJ e f f for theβ -sublattice. Additional simulations, including next-nearest neighbor interactions (J 2), show that long-range exchange terms in the Hamiltonian are needed to describe the measurements. This demonstrates that torque magnetometry provides a sensitive test forJ e f f and the spin-spin interactions that contribute to it. -
Spinel cobalt vanadate CoV2O4 has been grown on (001) SrTiO3 substrates. Using torque magnetometry experiments, we find that the previously observed temperature-induced anisotropy change, where the easy axis changes from the out-of-plane [001] direction to a biaxial anisotropy with planar <100> easy axes, occurs in a gradual second-order structural phase transition. This paper characterizes this transition and the magnetic anisotropies in the (001), (100), and (-110) rotation planes, and explores their field dependence up to 30 T. Below 80 K, hysteretic features appear around the hard axes, i.e., the out-of-plane direction in (-110) and (010) rotations and the planar <110> directions in (001) rotations. This is due to a Zeeman energy that originates from the lag of the magnetization with respect to the applied magnetic field as the sample is rotated. The appearance of the hysteresis, which persists up to very high fields, shows that the anisotropy at low temperature is rather strong. Additionally, field-dependent distortions to the symmetry of the torque response in increasing applied fields shows that magnetostriction plays a large role in determining the direction and magnitude of the anisotropy.more » « less