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  1. Abstract

    Western Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT) undertake long-distance migrations from rich feeding grounds in the North Atlantic to spawn in oligotrophic waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Stock recruitment is strongly affected by interannual variability in the physical features associated with ABT larvae, but the nutrient sources and food-web structure of preferred habitat, the edges of anticyclonic loop eddies, are unknown. Here, we describe the goals, physical context, design and major findings of an end-to-end process study conducted during peak ABT spawning in May 2017 and 2018. Mesoscale features in the oceanic GoM were surveyed for larvae, and five multi-day Lagrangian experiments measured hydrography and nutrients; plankton biomass and composition from bacteria to zooplankton and fish larvae; phytoplankton nutrient uptake, productivity and taxon-specific growth rates; micro- and mesozooplankton grazing; particle export; and ABT larval feeding and growth rates. We provide a general introduction to the BLOOFINZ-GoM project (Bluefin tuna Larvae in Oligotrophic Ocean Foodwebs, Investigation of Nitrogen to Zooplankton) and highlight the finding, based on backtracking of experimental waters to their positions weeks earlier, that lateral transport from the continental slope region may be more of a key determinant of available habitat utilized by larvae than eddy edges per se.

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  2. Abstract

    In contrast to its productive coastal margins, the open-ocean Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is notable for highly stratified surface waters with extremely low nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations. Field campaigns in 2017 and 2018 identified low rates of turbulent mixing, which combined with oligotrophic nutrient conditions, give very low estimates for diffusive flux of nitrate into the euphotic zone (< 1 µmol N m−2d−1). Estimates of local N2-fixation are similarly low. In comparison, measured export rates of sinking particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from the euphotic zone are 2 – 3 orders of magnitude higher (i.e. 462 – 1144 µmol N m−2d−1). We reconcile these disparate findings with regional scale dynamics inferred independently from remote-sensing products and a regional biogeochemical model and find that laterally-sourced organic matter is sufficient to support >90% of open-ocean nitrogen export in the GoM. Results show that lateral transport needs to be closely considered in studies of biogeochemical balances, particularly for basins enclosed by productive coasts.

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  3. Abstract

    Bluefin tuna spawn in restricted areas of subtropical oligotrophic seas. Here, we investigate the zooplankton prey and feeding selectivity of early larval stages of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT, Thunnus thynnus) in larval rearing habitat of the Gulf of Mexico. Larvae and zooplankton were collected during two multi-day Lagrangian experiments during peak spawning in May 2017 and 2018. Larvae were categorized by flexion stage and standard length. We identified, enumerated and sized zooplankton from larval gut contents and in the ambient community. Ciliates were quantitatively important (up to 9%) in carbon-based diets of early larvae. As larvae grew, diet composition and prey selection shifted from small copepod nauplii and calanoid copepodites to larger podonid cladocerans, which accounted for up to 70% of ingested carbon. Even when cladoceran abundances were <0.2 m−3, they comprised 23% of postflexion stage diet. Feeding behaviors of larvae at different development stages were more specialized, and prey selection narrowed to appendicularians and primarily cladocerans when these taxa were more abundant. Our findings suggest that ABT larvae have the capacity to switch from passive selection, regulated by physical factors, to active selection of presumably energetically optimal prey.

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  4. none (Ed.)

    Two cohorts of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) larvae were sampled in 2017 and 2018 during the peak of spawning in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). We examined environmental variables, daily growth, otolith biometry and stable isotopes and found that the GOM18 cohort grew at faster rates, with larger and wider otoliths. Inter and intra-population analyses (deficient vs. optimal growth groups) were carried out for pre- and post-flexion developmental stages to determine maternal and trophodynamic influences on larval growth variability based on larval isotopic signatures, trophic niche sizes and their overlaps. For the pre-flexion stages in both years, the optimal growth groups had significantly lower δ15N, implying a direct relationship between growth potential and maternal inheritance. Optimal growth groups and stages for both years showed lower C:N ratios, reflecting a greater energy investment in growth. The results of this study illustrate the interannual transgenerational trophic plasticity of a spawning stock and its linkages to growth potential of their offsprings in the GOM.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  5. Irigoien, Xabier (Ed.)
    Abstract Larval abundances of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABT) in the Gulf of Mexico are currently utilized to inform future recruitment by providing a proxy for the spawning potential of western ABT stock. Inclusion of interannual variations in larval growth is a key advance needed to translate larval abundance to recruitment success. However, little is known about the drivers of growth variations during the first weeks of life. We sampled patches of western ABT larvae in 3–4 day Lagrangian experiments in May 2017 and 2018, and assessed age and growth rates from sagittal otoliths relative to size categories of zooplankton biomass and larval feeding behaviors from stomach contents. Growth rates were similar, on average, between patches (0.37 versus 0.39 mm d−1) but differed significantly through ontogeny and were correlated with a food limitation index, highlighting the importance of prey availability. Otolith increment widths were larger for postflexion stages in 2018, coincident with high feeding on preferred prey (mainly cladocerans) and presumably higher biomass of more favorable prey type. Faster growth reflected in the otolith microstructures may improve survival during the highly vulnerable larval stages of ABT, with direct implications for recruitment processes. 
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  6. We investigated temperature sensitivities of picophytoplankton growth along a natural 10°C (18-28°C) temperature gradient in the eastern Indian Ocean characterized by deep mixing and consistently low dissolved nitrogen. Population biomass (B), cell carbon and chlorophyll were measured by flow cytometry. Instantaneous growth (µ) and production (P) were calculated from dilution incubations at four light levels. Contrary to most empirical and theoretical predictions, Prochlorococcus, the biomass dominant, showed insignificant temperature sensitivity, with nominal Q10 values of 1.06 and 1.18 for P:B and µ, respectively, and activation energies (Ea) of 0.05 and 0.12 eV. Q10 and Ea values for Synechococcus (1.36-1.42 and 0.23-0.27 eV) were also below prediction, and picoeukaryotes showed high variability, including negative rates suggesting lytic cycles, at high temperature. We emphasize the importance of using adapted communities in natural environmental gradients to test climate predictions and hypothesize that mortality defenses are a significant selection criterion in balanced oligotrophic systems. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were measured in repeated profiles of dilution experiments incubated in situ on a drift array in order to assess microbial production and food web characteristics in the oligotrophic bluefin tuna spawning habitat of the Gulf of Mexico (May peak spawning seasons, 2017–2018). Grazing often exceeded growth with the processes more balanced overall in the surface mixed layer, but biomass accumulated in the mid-euphotic zone. Community production estimates (260–500 mg C m−2 day−1) were low compared to similar open-ocean studies in the Pacific Ocean. Prochlorococcus was a consistent major contributor (113–204 mg C m−2 day−1) to productivity, while diatoms and dinoflagellates (2–10 and 4–13 mg C m−2 day−1, respectively) were consistently low. Prymnesiophytes, the most dynamic component (34–134 mg C m−2 day−1), co-dominated in 2017 experiments. Unexpected imbalances in grazing relative to production were observed for all picoplankton populations (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria), suggesting a trophic cascade in the absence of mesozooplankton predation on large microzooplankton. Study sites with abundant larval tuna had the shallowest deep chlorophyll maxima and significant net positive phytoplankton growth below the mixed layer. 
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