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Award ID contains: 1901793

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  1. Abstract Background

    Protein S-nitrosylation (SNO) plays a key role in transferring nitric oxide-mediated signals in both animals and plants and has emerged as an important mechanism for regulating protein functions and cell signaling of all main classes of protein. It is involved in several biological processes including immune response, protein stability, transcription regulation, post translational regulation, DNA damage repair, redox regulation, and is an emerging paradigm of redox signaling for protection against oxidative stress. The development of robust computational tools to predict protein SNO sites would contribute to further interpretation of the pathological and physiological mechanisms of SNO.


    Using an intermediate fusion-based stacked generalization approach, we integrated embeddings from supervised embedding layer and contextualized protein language model (ProtT5) and developed a tool called pLMSNOSite (protein language model-based SNO site predictor). On an independent test set of experimentally identified SNO sites, pLMSNOSite achieved values of 0.340, 0.735 and 0.773 for MCC, sensitivity and specificity respectively. These results show that pLMSNOSite performs better than the compared approaches for the prediction of S-nitrosylation sites.


    Together, the experimental results suggest that pLMSNOSite achieves significant improvement in the prediction performance of S-nitrosylation sites and represents a robust computational approach for predicting protein S-nitrosylation sites. pLMSNOSite could be a useful resource for further elucidation of SNO and is publicly available at

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  2. Abstract

    Protein N-linked glycosylation is an important post-translational mechanism in Homo sapiens, playing essential roles in many vital biological processes. It occurs at the N-X-[S/T] sequon in amino acid sequences, where X can be any amino acid except proline. However, not all N-X-[S/T] sequons are glycosylated; thus, the N-X-[S/T] sequon is a necessary but not sufficient determinant for protein glycosylation. In this regard, computational prediction of N-linked glycosylation sites confined to N-X-[S/T] sequons is an important problem that has not been extensively addressed by the existing methods, especially in regard to the creation of negative sets and leveraging the distilled information from protein language models (pLMs). Here, we developed LMNglyPred, a deep learning-based approach, to predict N-linked glycosylated sites in human proteins using embeddings from a pre-trained pLM. LMNglyPred produces sensitivity, specificity, Matthews Correlation Coefficient, precision, and accuracy of 76.50, 75.36, 0.49, 60.99, and 75.74 percent, respectively, on a benchmark-independent test set. These results demonstrate that LMNglyPred is a robust computational tool to predict N-linked glycosylation sites confined to the N-X-[S/T] sequon.

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  3. Abstract

    Protein succinylation is an important post-translational modification (PTM) responsible for many vital metabolic activities in cells, including cellular respiration, regulation, and repair. Here, we present a novel approach that combines features from supervised word embedding with embedding from a protein language model called ProtT5-XL-UniRef50 (hereafter termed, ProtT5) in a deep learning framework to predict protein succinylation sites. To our knowledge, this is one of the first attempts to employ embedding from a pre-trained protein language model to predict protein succinylation sites. The proposed model, dubbed LMSuccSite, achieves state-of-the-art results compared to existing methods, with performance scores of 0.36, 0.79, 0.79 for MCC, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively. LMSuccSite is likely to serve as a valuable resource for exploration of succinylation and its role in cellular physiology and disease.

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  4. O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is a distinct monosaccharide modification of serine (S) or threonine (T) residues of nucleocytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins. O-GlcNAc modification (i.e., O-GlcNAcylation) is involved in the regulation of diverse cellular processes, including transcription, epigenetic modifications, and cell signaling. Despite the great progress in experimentally mapping O-GlcNAc sites, there is an unmet need to develop robust prediction tools that can effectively locate the presence of O-GlcNAc sites in protein sequences of interest. In this work, we performed a comprehensive evaluation of a framework for prediction of protein O-GlcNAc sites using embeddings from pre-trained protein language models. In particular, we compared the performance of three protein sequence-based large protein language models (pLMs), Ankh, ESM-2, and ProtT5, for prediction of O-GlcNAc sites and also evaluated various ensemble strategies to integrate embeddings from these protein language models. Upon investigation, the decision-level fusion approach that integrates the decisions of the three embedding models, which we call LM-OGlcNAc-Site, outperformed the models trained on these individual language models as well as other fusion approaches and other existing predictors in almost all of the parameters evaluated. The precise prediction of O-GlcNAc sites will facilitate the probing of O-GlcNAc site-specific functions of proteins in physiology and diseases. Moreover, these findings also indicate the effectiveness of combined uses of multiple protein language models in post-translational modification prediction and open exciting avenues for further research and exploration in other protein downstream tasks. LM-OGlcNAc-Site’s web server and source code are publicly available to the community.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2024
  5. Phosphorylation is one of the most important post-translational modifications and plays a pivotal role in various cellular processes. Although there exist several computational tools to predict phosphorylation sites, existing tools have not yet harnessed the knowledge distilled by pretrained protein language models. Herein, we present a novel deep learning-based approach called LMPhosSite for the general phosphorylation site prediction that integrates embeddings from the local window sequence and the contextualized embedding obtained using global (overall) protein sequence from a pretrained protein language model to improve the prediction performance. Thus, the LMPhosSite consists of two base-models: one for capturing effective local representation and the other for capturing global per-residue contextualized embedding from a pretrained protein language model. The output of these base-models is integrated using a score-level fusion approach. LMPhosSite achieves a precision, recall, Matthew's correlation coefficient, and F1-score of 38.78%, 67.12%, 0.390, and 49.15%, for the combined serine and threonine independent test data set and 34.90%, 62.03%, 0.298, and 44.67%, respectively, for the tyrosine independent test data set, which is better than the compared approaches. These results demonstrate that LMPhosSite is a robust computational tool for the prediction of the general phosphorylation sites in proteins. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Abstract Protein phosphorylation, which is one of the most important post-translational modifications (PTMs), is involved in regulating myriad cellular processes. Herein, we present a novel deep learning based approach for organism-specific protein phosphorylation site prediction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , a model algal phototroph. An ensemble model combining convolutional neural networks and long short-term memory (LSTM) achieves the best performance in predicting phosphorylation sites in C. reinhardtii. Deemed Chlamy-EnPhosSite, the measured best AUC and MCC are 0.90 and 0.64 respectively for a combined dataset of serine (S) and threonine (T) in independent testing higher than those measures for other predictors. When applied to the entire C. reinhardtii proteome (totaling 1,809,304 S and T sites), Chlamy-EnPhosSite yielded 499,411 phosphorylated sites with a cut-off value of 0.5 and 237,949 phosphorylated sites with a cut-off value of 0.7. These predictions were compared to an experimental dataset of phosphosites identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) in a blinded study and approximately 89.69% of 2,663 C. reinhardtii S and T phosphorylation sites were successfully predicted by Chlamy-EnPhosSite at a probability cut-off of 0.5 and 76.83% of sites were successfully identified at a more stringent 0.7 cut-off. Interestingly, Chlamy-EnPhosSite also successfully predicted experimentally confirmed phosphorylation sites in a protein sequence (e.g., RPS6 S245) which did not appear in the training dataset, highlighting prediction accuracy and the power of leveraging predictions to identify biologically relevant PTM sites. These results demonstrate that our method represents a robust and complementary technique for high-throughput phosphorylation site prediction in C. reinhardtii. It has potential to serve as a useful tool to the community. Chlamy-EnPhosSite will contribute to the understanding of how protein phosphorylation influences various biological processes in this important model microalga. 
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  7. Protein N-linked glycosylation is a post-translational modification that plays an important role in a myriad of biological processes. Computational prediction approaches serve as complementary methods for the characterization of glycosylation sites. Most of the existing predictors for N-linked glycosylation utilize the information that the glycosylation site occurs at the N-X-[S/T] sequon, where X is any amino acid except proline. Not all N-X-[S/T] sequons are glycosylated, thus the N-X-[S/T] sequon is a necessary but not sufficient determinant for protein glycosylation. In that regard, computational prediction of N-linked glycosylation sites confined to N-X-[S/T] sequons is an important problem. Here, we report DeepNGlyPred a deep learning-based approach that encodes the positive and negative sequences in the human proteome dataset (extracted from N-GlycositeAtlas) using sequence-based features (gapped-dipeptide), predicted structural features, and evolutionary information. DeepNGlyPred produces SN, SP, MCC, and ACC of 88.62%, 73.92%, 0.60, and 79.41%, respectively on N-GlyDE independent test set, which is better than the compared approaches. These results demonstrate that DeepNGlyPred is a robust computational technique to predict N-Linked glycosylation sites confined to N-X-[S/T] sequon. DeepNGlyPred will be a useful resource for the glycobiology community. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
    Phosphorylation, which is mediated by protein kinases and opposed by protein phosphatases, is an important post-translational modification that regulates many cellular processes, including cellular metabolism, cell migration, and cell division. Due to its essential role in cellular physiology, a great deal of attention has been devoted to identifying sites of phosphorylation on cellular proteins and understanding how modification of these sites affects their cellular functions. This has led to the development of several computational methods designed to predict sites of phosphorylation based on a protein’s primary amino acid sequence. In contrast, much less attention has been paid to dephosphorylation and its role in regulating the phosphorylation status of proteins inside cells. Indeed, to date, dephosphorylation site prediction tools have been restricted to a few tyrosine phosphatases. To fill this knowledge gap, we have employed a transfer learning strategy to develop a deep learning-based model to predict sites that are likely to be dephosphorylated. Based on independent test results, our model, which we termed DTL-DephosSite, achieved efficiency scores for phosphoserine/phosphothreonine residues of 84%, 84% and 0.68 with respect to sensitivity (SN), specificity (SP) and Matthew’s correlation coefficient (MCC). Similarly, DTL-DephosSite exhibited efficiency scores of 75%, 88% and 0.64 for phosphotyrosine residues with respect to SN, SP, and MCC. 
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