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  1. Abstract

    The HH 24 complex harbors five collimated jets emanating from a small protostellar multiple system. We have carried out a multiwavelength study of the jets, their driving sources, and the cloud core hosting the embedded stellar system, based on data from the Hubble Space Telescope, Gemini, Subaru, Apache Point Observatory 3.5 m, Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescopes. The data show that the multiple system, SSV 63, contains at least 7 sources, ranging in mass from the hydrogen-burning limit to proto-Herbig Ae stars. The stars are in an unstable nonhierarchical configuration, and one member, a borderline brown dwarf, is moving away from the protostellar system with 25 km s−1, after being ejected ∼5800 yr ago as an orphaned protostar. Five of the embedded sources are surrounded by small, possibly truncated, disks resolved at 1.3 mm with ALMA. Proper motions and radial velocities imply jet speeds of 200–300 km s−1. The two main HH 24 jets, E and C, form a bipolar jet system that traces the innermost portions of parsec-scale chains of Herbig–Haro and H2shocks with a total extent of at least 3 pc. H2CO and C18O observations show that the core has been churned and continuously fed by an infalling streamer.13CO and12CO trace compact, low-velocity, cavity walls carved by the jets and an ultracompact molecular outflow from the most embedded object. ChaoticN-body dynamics likely will eject several more of these objects. The ejection of stars from their feeding zones sets their masses. Dynamical decay of nonhierarchical systems can thus be a major contributor to establishing the initial mass function.

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  2. Abstract Multi-epoch narrowband Hubble Space Telescope images of the bipolar H ii region Sh2-106 reveal highly supersonic nebular proper motions that increase with projected distance from the massive young stellar object S106 IR, reaching over ∼30 mas yr −1 (∼150 km s −1 at D = 1.09 kpc) at a projected separation of ∼1.′4 (0.44 pc) from S106 IR. We propose that S106 IR experienced a ∼10 47 erg explosion ∼3500 yr ago. The explosion may be the result of a major accretion burst or a recent encounter with another star, or a consequence of the interaction of a companion with the bloated photosphere of S106 IR as it grew from ∼10 through ∼15 M ⊙ at a high accretion rate. Near-IR images reveal fingers of H 2 emission pointing away from S106 IR and an asymmetric photon-dominated region surrounding the ionized nebula. Radio continuum and Br γ emission reveal a C-shaped bend in the plasma, indicating either the motion of S106 IR toward the east, or the deflection of plasma toward the west by the surrounding cloud. The H ii region bends around a ∼1′ diameter dark bay west of S106 IR that may be shielded from direct illumination by a dense molecular clump. Herbig–Haro and Molecular Hydrogen Objects tracing outflows powered by stars in the Sh2-106 protocluster such as the Class 0 source S106 FIR are discussed. 
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  3. Abstract This paper analyses images from 43 to 340 GHz to trace the structure of the Source I (SrcI) disk in Orion-KL with ∼12 au resolution. The data reveal an almost edge-on disk with an outside diameter ∼100 au, which is heated from the inside. The high opacity at 220–340 GHz hides the internal structure and presents a surface temperature ∼500 K. Images at 43, 86 and 99 GHz reveal structure within the disk. At 43 GHz there is bright compact emission with brightness temperature ∼1300 K. Another feature, most prominent at 99 GHz, is a warped ridge of emission. The data can be explained by a simple model with a hot inner structure, seen through cooler material. A wide-angle outflow mapped in SiO emission ablates material from the interior of the disk, and extends in a bipolar outflow over 1000 au along the rotation axis of the disk. SiO v = 0, J = 5–4 emission appears to have a localized footprint in the warped ridge. These observations suggest that the ridge is the working surface of the disk, and heated by accretion and the outflow. The disk structure may be evolving, with multiple accretion and outflow events. We discuss two sources of variability: (1) variable accretion onto the disk as SrcI travels through the filamentary debris from the Becklin–Neugebauer Object-SrcI encounter ∼550 yr ago; and (2) episodic accretion from the disk onto the protostar, which may trigger multiple outflows. The warped inner-disk structure is direct evidence that SrcI could be a binary experiencing episodic accretion. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT We present a newly enlarged census of the compact radio population towards the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) using high-sensitivity continuum maps (3–10 $\mu$Jy beam−1) from a total of ∼30-h centimetre-wavelength observations over an area of ∼20 × 20 arcmin2 obtained in the C-band (4–8 GHz) with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in its high-resolution A-configuration. We thus complement our previous deep survey of the innermost areas of the ONC, now covering the field of view of the Chandra Orion Ultra-deep Project (COUP). Our catalogue contains 521 compact radio sources of which 198 are new detections. Overall, we find that 17 per cent of the (mostly stellar) COUP sources have radio counterparts, while 53 per cent of the radio sources have COUP counterparts. Most notably, the radio detection fraction of X-ray sources is higher in the inner cluster and almost constant for r > 3 arcmin (0.36 pc) from θ1 Ori C, suggesting a correlation between the radio emission mechanism of these sources and their distance from the most massive stars at the centre of the cluster, e.g. due to increased photoionisation of circumstellar discs. The combination with our previous observations 4 yr prior lead to the discovery of fast proper motions of up to ∼373 km s−1 from faint radio sources associated with ejecta of the OMC1 explosion. Finally, we search for strong radio variability. We found changes in flux density by a factor of ≲5 within our observations and a few sources with changes by a factor >10 on long time-scales of a few years. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT G0.253+0.016, aka ‘the Brick’, is one of the most massive (>105 M⊙) and dense (>104 cm−3) molecular clouds in the Milky Way’s Central Molecular Zone. Previous observations have detected tentative signs of active star formation, most notably a water maser that is associated with a dust continuum source. We present ALMA Band 6 observations with an angular resolution of 0.13 arcsec (1000 AU) towards this ‘maser core’ and report unambiguous evidence of active star formation within G0.253+0.016. We detect a population of eighteen continuum sources (median mass ∼2 M⊙), nine of which are driving bi-polar molecular outflows as seen via SiO (5–4) emission. At the location of the water maser, we find evidence for a protostellar binary/multiple with multidirectional outflow emission. Despite the high density of G0.253+0.016, we find no evidence for high-mass protostars in our ALMA field. The observed sources are instead consistent with a cluster of low-to-intermediate-mass protostars. However, the measured outflow properties are consistent with those expected for intermediate-to-high-mass star formation. We conclude that the sources are young and rapidly accreting, and may potentially form intermediate- and high-mass stars in the future. The masses and projected spatial distribution of the cores are generally consistent with thermal fragmentation, suggesting that the large-scale turbulence and strong magnetic field in the cloud do not dominate on these scales, and that star formation on the scale of individual protostars is similar to that in Galactic disc environments. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. null (Ed.)
  8. null (Ed.)
    Abstract We introduce new analysis methods for studying the star cluster formation processes in Orion A, especially examining the scenario of a cloud–cloud collision. We utilize the CARMA–NRO Orion survey 13CO (1–0) data to compare molecular gas to the properties of young stellar objects from the SDSS III IN-SYNC survey. We show that the increase of $v_{\rm {}^{13}CO} - v_{\rm YSO}$ and Σ scatter of older YSOs can be signals of cloud–cloud collision. SOFIA-upGREAT 158 μm [C ii] archival data toward the northern part of Orion A are also compared to the 13CO data to test whether the position and velocity offsets between the emission from these two transitions resemble those predicted by a cloud–cloud collision model. We find that the northern part of Orion A, including regions ONC-OMC-1, OMC-2, OMC-3, and OMC-4, shows qualitative agreements with the cloud–cloud collision scenario, while in one of the southern regions, NGC 1999, there is no indication of such a process in causing the birth of new stars. On the other hand, another southern cluster, L 1641 N, shows slight tendencies of cloud–cloud collision. Overall, our results support the cloud–cloud collision process as being an important mechanism for star cluster formation in Orion A. 
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  9. null (Ed.)