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Award ID contains: 1915790

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  1. Abstract

    Multiple household devices are now using human‐like voices. We investigate whether there are gender differences in the voices used by different kinds of specialized smart devices (e.g., microwaves vs. toy trucks) as provided by Google's search engine. These gender differences could fuel gender stereotypes in the household environment, or they could help challenge them. Early results suggest a preponderance of male‐sounding voices among household devices in the search results but also multiple instances of counterstereotypical media presentation.

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  2. Multiple recent efforts have used large-scale data and computational models to automatically detect misinformation in online news articles. Given the potential impact of misinformation on democracy, many of these efforts have also used the political ideology of these articles to better model misinformation and study political bias in such algorithms. However, almost all such efforts have used source level labels for credibility and political alignment, thereby assigning the same credibility and political alignment label to all articles from the same source (e.g., the New York Times or Breitbart). Here, we report on the impact of journalistic best practices to label individual news articles for their credibility and political alignment. We found that while source level labels are decent proxies for political alignment labeling, they are very poor proxies-almost the same as flipping a coin-for credibility ratings. Next, we study the implications of such source level labeling on downstream processes such as the development of automated misinformation detection algorithms and political fairness audits therein. We find that the automated misinformation detection and fairness algorithms can be suitably revised to support their intended goals but might require different assumptions and methods than those which are appropriate using source level labeling. The results suggest caution in generalizing recent results on misinformation detection and political bias therein. On a positive note, this work shares a new dataset of journalistic quality individually labeled articles and an approach for misinformation detection and fairness audits. 
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  3. The idealization of a static machine-learned model, trained once and deployed forever, is not practical. As input distributions change over time, the model will not only lose accuracy, any constraints to reduce bias against a protected class may fail to work as intended. Thus, researchers have begun to explore ways to maintain algorithmic fairness over time. One line of work focuses on dynamic learning: retraining after each batch, and the other on robust learning which tries to make algorithms robust against all possible future changes. Dynamic learning seeks to reduce biases soon after they have occurred and robust learning often yields (overly) conservative models. We propose an anticipatory dynamic learning approach for correcting the algorithm to mitigate bias before it occurs. Specifically, we make use of anticipations regarding the relative distributions of population subgroups (e.g., relative ratios of male and female applicants) in the next cycle to identify the right parameters for an importance weighing fairness approach. Results from experiments over multiple real-world datasets suggest that this approach has promise for anticipatory bias correction. 
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  4. Misinformation in online spaces can stoke mistrust of established media, misinform the public and lead to radicalization. Hence, multiple automated algorithms for misinformation detection have been proposed in the recent past. However, the fairness (e.g., performance across left- and right- leaning news articles) of these algorithms has been repeatedly questioned, leading to decreased trust in such systems. This work motivates and grounds the need for an audit of machine learning based misinformation detection algorithms and possible ways to mitigate bias (if found). Using a large (N>100K) corpus of news articles, we report that multiple standard machine learning based misinformation detection approaches are susceptible to bias. Further, we find that an intuitive post-processing approach (Reject Option Classifier) can reduce bias while maintaining high accuracy in the above setting. The results pave the way for accurate yet fair misinformation detection algorithms. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    Sentiment detection is an important building block for multiple information retrieval tasks such as product recommendation, cyberbullying, fake news and misinformation detection. Unsurprisingly, multiple commercial APIs, each with different levels of accuracy and fairness, are now publicly available for sentiment detection. Users can easily incorporate these APIs in their applications. While combining inputs from multiple modalities or black-box models for increasing accuracy is commonly studied in multimedia computing literature, there has been little work on combining different modalities for increasing fairness of the resulting decision. In this work, we audit multiple commercial sentiment detection APIs for the gender bias in two-actor news headlines settings and report on the level of bias observed. Next, we propose a "Flexible Fair Regression" approach, which ensures satisfactory accuracy and fairness by jointly learning from multiple black-box models. The results pave way for fair yet accurate sentiment detectors for multiple applications. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Recent reports of bias in multimedia algorithms (e.g., lesser accuracy of face detection for women and persons of color) have underscored the urgent need to devise approaches which work equally well for different demographic groups. Hence, we posit that ensuring fairness in multimodal cyber-bullying detectors (e.g., equal performance irrespective of the gender of the victim) is an important research challenge. We propose a fairness-aware fusion framework that ensures that both fairness and accuracy remain important considerations when combining data coming from multiple modalities. In this Bayesian fusion framework, the inputs coming from different modalities are combined in a way that is cognizant of the different confidence levels associated with each feature and the interdependencies between features. Specifically, this framework assigns weights to different modalities not just based on accuracy but also their fairness. Results of applying the framework on a multimodal (visual + text) cyberbullying detection problem demonstrate the value of the proposed framework in ensuring both accuracy and fairness. 
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