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Award ID contains: 1937923

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  1. Abstract

    The poor reversibility of Zn metal anodes arising from water‐induced parasitic reactions poses a significant challenge to the practical applications of aqueous zinc‐ion batteries (AZIBs). Herein, a novel quasi‐solid‐state “water‐in‐swelling‐clay” electrolyte (WiSCE) containing zinc sulfate and swelling clay, bentonite (BT), is designed to enable highly reversible Zn metal anodes. AZIB full cells based on the WiSCE exhibit excellent cyclic stability at various current densities, long shelf life, low self‐discharge rate, and outstanding high‐temperature adaptability. Particularly, the capacity of WiSCE‐based AZIB full cells retains 90.47% after 200 cycles at 0.1 A g−1, 96.64% after 2000 cycles at 1 A g−1, and 88.29% after 5000 cycles at 3 A g−1. Detailed density functional theory calculations show that strong hydrogen bonds are formed between BT and water molecules in the WiSCE. Thus, water molecules are strongly confined by BT, particularly within the interlayers, which significantly inhibits water‐induced parasitic reactions and greatly improves cyclic stability. Compared to the state‐of‐the‐art “water‐in‐salt” electrolytes, the WiSCE can provide a significantly higher capacity at the full‐cell level with a substantially reduced cost, which is promising for the design of next‐generation high‐performance AZIBs. This work provides a new direction for developing cost‐competitive AZIBs as alternatives to grid‐scale energy storage.

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  2. Abstract

    Directed high-speed motion of nanoscale objects in fluids can have a wide range of applications like molecular machinery, nano robotics, and material assembly. Here, we report ballistic plasmonic Au nanoparticle (NP) swimmers with unprecedented speeds (~336,000 μm s−1) realized by not only optical pushing but also pulling forces from a single Gaussian laser beam. Both the optical pulling and high speeds are made possible by a unique NP-laser interaction. The Au NP excited by the laser at the surface plasmon resonance peak can generate a nanoscale bubble, which can encapsulate the NP (i.e., supercavitation) to create a virtually frictionless environment for it to move, like the Leidenfrost effect. Certain NP-in-bubble configurations can lead to the optical pulling of NP against the photon stream. The demonstrated ultra-fast, light-driven NP movement may benefit a wide range of nano- and bio-applications and provide new insights to the field of optical pulling force.

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  3. Abstract

    Functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) are the foundation of diverse applications. Especially, in many biosensing applications, concentrating suspended NPs onto a surface without deteriorating their biofunction is usually an inevitable step to improve detection limit, which remains to be a great challenge. In this work, biocompatible deposition of functionalized NPs to optically transparent surfaces is demonstrated using shrinking bubbles. Leveraging the shrinking phase of bubble mitigates the biomolecule degradation problems encountered in traditional photothermal deposition techniques. The deposited NPs are closely packed, and the functional molecules are able to survive the process as verified by their strong fluorescence signals. Using high‐speed videography, it is revealed that the contracting contact line of the shrinking bubble forces the NPs captured by the contact line to a highly concentrated island. Such shrinking surface bubble deposition (SSBD) is low temperature in nature as no heat is added during the process. Using a hairpin DNA‐functionalized gold NP suspension as a model system, SSBD is shown to enable much stronger fluorescence signal compared to the optical‐pressure deposition and the conventional thermal bubble contact line deposition. The demonstrated SSBD technique capable of directly depositing functionalized NPs may significantly simplify biosensor fabrication and thus benefit a wide range of relevant applications.

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  4. Graphene nanochannels and nanostructures have been of great interest to applications like nanofluidics and solar-thermal evaporation since nanoconfinement can lead to altered liquid properties. In this article, we employ molecular dynamics simulations combined with the free energy perturbation method to study the influence of external electric fields on the free energy of water molecules in graphene nanochannels. We observe a decrease in the water free energy difference ([Formula: see text], where 0 is the reference vacuum state and 1 is the solvated state) with the increasing electric field, suggesting that the application of an electric field may reduce the thermal energy needed to evaporate water from graphene nanochannels. Our analysis reveals that the reduction in free energy difference is related to more aligned water molecules along the electric field direction in the nanochannels, which leads to a decrease in the water inter-molecular potential energy and, thus, reduces the free energy difference. 
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