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Award ID contains: 1942429

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  1. Abstract Background

    Direct-sequencing technologies, such as Oxford Nanopore’s, are delivering long RNA reads with great efficacy and convenience. These technologies afford an ability to detect post-transcriptional modifications at a single-molecule resolution, promising new insights into the functional roles of RNA. However, realizing this potential requires new tools to analyze and explore this type of data.


    Here, we present Sequoia, a visual analytics tool that allows users to interactively explore nanopore sequences. Sequoia combines a Python-based backend with a multi-view visualization interface, enabling users to import raw nanopore sequencing data in a Fast5 format, cluster sequences based on electric-current similarities, and drill-down onto signals to identify properties of interest. We demonstrate the application of Sequoia by generating and analyzing ~ 500k reads from direct RNA sequencing data of human HeLa cell line. We focus on comparing signal features from m6A and m5C RNA modifications as the first step towards building automated classifiers. We show how, through iterative visual exploration and tuning of dimensionality reduction parameters, we can separate modified RNA sequences from their unmodified counterparts. We also document new, qualitative signal signatures that characterize these modifications from otherwise normal RNA bases, which we were able to discover from the visualization.


    Sequoia’s interactive features complement existing computational approaches in nanopore-based RNA workflows. The insights gleaned through visual analysis should help users in developing rationales, hypotheses, and insights into the dynamic nature of RNA. Sequoia is available at

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  2. Abstract

    Color encoding is foundational to visualizing quantitative data. Guidelines for colormap design have traditionally emphasized perceptual principles, such as order and uniformity. However, colors also evoke cognitive and linguistic associations whose role in data interpretation remains underexplored. We study how two linguistic factors, name salience and name variation, affect people's ability to draw inferences from spatial visualizations. In two experiments, we found that participants are better at interpreting visualizations when viewing colors with more salient names (e.g., prototypical ‘blue’, ‘yellow’, and ‘red’ over ‘teal’, ‘beige’, and ‘maroon’). The effect was robust across four visualization types, but was more pronounced in continuous (e.g., smooth geographical maps) than in similar discrete representations (e.g., choropleths). Participants' accuracy also improved as the number of nameable colors increased, although the latter had a less robust effect. Our findings suggest that color nameability is an important design consideration for quantitative colormaps, and may even outweigh traditional perceptual metrics. In particular, we found that the linguistic associations of color are a better predictor of performance than the perceptual properties of those colors. We discuss the implications and outline research opportunities. The data and materials for this study are available at

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  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 11, 2025
  4. null (Ed.)