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  1. Abstract

    A vast array of pseudosuchian body plans evolved during the diversification of the group in the Triassic Period, but few can compare to the toothless, long‐necked, and bipedal shuvosaurids. Members of this clade possess theropod‐like character states mapped on top of more plesiomorphic pseudosuchian character states, complicating our understanding of the evolutionary history of the skeleton. One taxon in this clade,Shuvosaurus inexpectatushas been assigned to various theropod dinosaur groups based on a partial skull and referred material and its postcranium was assigned to a different taxon in Pseudosuchia. After the discovery of a skeleton of a shuvosaurid with aShuvosaurus‐like skull and a pseudosuchian postcranial skeleton, it became clearShuvosaurus inexpectatuswas a pseudosuchian. Nevertheless, a number of questions have arisen about what skeletal elements belonged toShuvosaurus inexpectatus, the identification of skull bones, and the resulting implication for pseudosuchian evolution. Here, we detail the anatomy of the skeletonShuvosaurus inexpectatusthrough a critical lens, parse out the bones that belong to the taxon or those that clearly do not or may not belong to the taxon, rediagnose the taxon based on these revisions, and compare the taxon to other archosaurs. We find thatShuvosaurus inexpectatuspossesses similar anatomy to other shuvosaurids but parts of the skeleton of the taxon clarifies the anatomy of the group given that they are preserved inShuvosaurus inexpectatusbut not in others.Shuvosaurus inexpectatusis represented by at least 14 individuals from the West Texas Post Quarry (Adamanian holochronozone) and allShuvosaurus inexpectatusskeletal material from the locality pertains to skeletally immature individuals. All of the skeletons are missing most of the neural arches, ribs, and most of the forelimb. We only recognizeShuvosaurus inexpectatusfrom the Post Quarry and all other material assigned to the taxon previously is better assigned to the broader group Shuvosauridae.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    The femora of diapsids have undergone morphological changes related to shifts in postural and locomotor modes, such as the transition from plesiomorphic amniote and diapsid taxa to the apomorphic conditions related to a more erect posture within Archosauriformes. One remarkable clade of Triassic diapsids is the chameleon‐like Drepanosauromorpha. This group is known from numerous articulated but heavily compressed skeletons that have the potential to further inform early reptile femoral evolution. For the first time, we describe the three‐dimensional osteology of the femora of Drepanosauromorpha, based on undistorted fossils from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation and Dockum Group of North America. We identify apomorphies and a combination of character states that link these femora to those in crushed specimens of drepanosauromorphs and compare our sample with a range of amniote taxa. Several characteristics of drepanosauromorph femora, including a hemispherical proximal articular surface, prominent asymmetry in the proximodistal length of the tibial condyles, and a deep intercondylar sulcus, are plesiomorphies shared with early diapsids. The femora contrast with those of most diapsids in lacking a crest‐like, distally tapering internal trochanter. They bear a ventrolaterally positioned tuberosity on the femoral shaft, resembling the fourth trochanter in Archosauriformes. The reduction of an internal trochanter parallels independent reductions in therapsids and archosauriforms. The presence of a ventrolaterally positioned trochanter is also similar to that of chameleonid squamates. Collectively, these features demonstrate a unique femoral morphology for drepanosauromorphs, and suggest an increased capacity for femoral adduction and protraction relative to most other Permo‐Triassic diapsids.

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  3. Abstract

    Archosauromorph reptiles underwent rapid lineage diversification, increases in morphological and body size disparity, and expansion into new adaptive landscapes. Several of the primary early archosauromorph clades (e.g. rhynchosaurs) are easy to differentiate from others because of their characteristic body types, whereas the more lizard‐like and carnivorous forms with long necks (e.g. tanystropheids) were historically all relegated to the groups Protorosauria or Prolacertiformes. However, it is now clear that these groups are polyphyletic and that a lizard‐like, carnivorous form is plesiomorphic for Archosauromorpha, and multiple subclades started with that body plan. Among these early forms isMalerisaurusfrom the Upper Triassic of India (M. robinsonae) and the Upper Triassic of south‐western USA (M. langstoni). In this paper, we critically re‐evaluate the genus. We find both species ofMalerisaurusas valid, and identifyMalerisaurusas an early diverging, but late‐surviving, carnivorous member of Azendohsauridae within Allokotosauria. Our histological analysis and assessment of ontogenetic changes of limb bones of small and large individuals demonstrate that the skeletons of the small forms grew slowly and became more robust through ontogeny, and that the larger recovered bones are at or near the maximum size of the taxon.MalerisaurusandMalerisaurus‐like taxa were common members of the Otischalkian–Adamanian (late Carnian to mid‐Norian) faunal assemblages from Upper Triassic strata of the south western USA, but they are absent from the younger Revueltian holochronozone. Specimens from western North America show that Allokotosauria had a near‐Pangaean distribution for much of the Middle Triassic to Late Triassic.

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  4. Abstract Non-archosaur archosauromorphs are a paraphyletic group of diapsid reptiles that were important members of global Middle and Late Triassic continental ecosystems. Included in this group are the azendohsaurids, a clade of allokotosaurians (kuehneosaurids and Azendohsauridae + Trilophosauridae) that retain the plesiomorphic archosauromorph postcranial body plan but evolved disparate cranial features that converge on later dinosaurian anatomy, including sauropodomorph-like marginal dentition and ceratopsian-like postorbital horns. Here we describe a new malerisaurine azendohsaurid from two monodominant bonebeds in the Blue Mesa Member, Chinle Formation (Late Triassic, ca. 218–220 Ma); the first occurs at Petrified Forest National Park and preserves a minimum of eight individuals of varying sizes, and the second occurs near St. Johns, Arizona. Puercosuchus traverorum n. gen. n. sp. is a carnivorous malerisaurine that is closely related to Malerisaurus robinsonae from the Maleri Formation of India and to Malerisaurus langstoni from the Dockum Group of western Texas. Dentigerous elements from Puercosuchus traverorum n. gen. n. sp. confirm that some Late Triassic tooth morphotypes thought to represent early dinosaurs cannot be differentiated from, and likely pertain to, Puercosuchus -like malerisaurine taxa. These bonebeds from northern Arizona support the hypothesis that non-archosauriform archosauromorphs were locally diverse near the middle Norian and experienced an extinction event prior to the end-Triassic mass extinction coincidental with the Adamanian-Revueltian boundary recognized at Petrified Forest National Park. The relatively late age of this early-diverging taxon (Norian) suggests that the diversity of azendohsaurids is underrepresented in Middle and Late Triassic fossil records around the world. UUID: . 
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  5. Abstract The Placerias /Downs’ Quarry complex in eastern Arizona, USA, is the most diverse Upper Triassic vertebrate locality known. We report a new short-faced archosauriform, Syntomiprosopus sucherorum gen. et sp. nov., represented by four incomplete mandibles, that expands that diversity with a morphology unique among Late Triassic archosauriforms. The most distinctive feature of Syntomiprosopus gen. nov. is its anteroposteriorly short, robust mandible with 3–4 anterior, a larger caniniform, and 1–3 “postcanine” alveoli. The size and shape of the alveoli and the preserved tips of replacement teeth preclude assignment to any taxon known only from teeth. Additional autapomorphies of S. sucherorum gen. et sp. nov. include a large fossa associated with the mandibular fenestra, an interdigitating suture of the surangular with the dentary, fine texture ornamenting the medial surface of the splenial, and a surangular ridge that completes a 90° arc. The external surfaces of the mandibles bear shallow, densely packed, irregular, fine pits and narrow, arcuate grooves. This combination of character states allows an archosauriform assignment; however, an associated and similarly sized braincase indicates that Syntomiprosopus n. gen. may represent previously unsampled disparity in early-diverging crocodylomorphs. The Placerias Quarry is Adamanian (Norian, maximum depositional age ~219 Ma), and this specimen appears to be an early example of shortening of the skull, which occurs later in diverse archosaur lineages, including the Late Cretaceous crocodyliform Simosuchus . This is another case where Triassic archosauriforms occupied morphospace converged upon by other archosaurs later in the Mesozoic and further demonstrates that even well-sampled localities can yield new taxa. 
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