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Award ID contains: 2002850

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  1. Abstract

    The superconducting state and mechanism are among the least understood phenomena in twisted graphene systems. Recent tunneling experiments indicate a transition between nodal and gapped pairing with electron filling, which is not naturally understood within current theory. We demonstrate that the coexistence of superconductivity and flavor polarization leads to pairing channels that are guaranteed by symmetry to be entirely band-off-diagonal, with a variety of consequences: most notably, the pairing invariant under all symmetries can have Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces in the superconducting state with protected nodal lines, or may be fully gapped, depending on parameters, and the band-off-diagonal chiralp-wave state exhibits transitions between gapped and nodal regions upon varying the doping. We demonstrate that band-off-diagonal pairing can be the leading state when only phonons are considered, and is also uniquely favored by fluctuations of a time-reversal-symmetric intervalley coherent order motivated by recent experiments. Consequently, band-off-diagonal superconductivity allows for the reconciliation of several key experimental observations in graphene moiré systems.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  2. A<sc>bstract</sc>

    We analyze a Higgs transition from a U(1) Dirac spin liquid to a gapless ℤ2spin liquid. This ℤ2spin liquid is of relevance to the spinS= 1/2 square lattice antiferromagnet, where recent numerical studies have given evidence for such a phase existing in the regime of high frustration between nearest neighbor and next-nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions (theJ1-J2model), appearing in a parameter regime between the vanishing of Néel order and the onset of valence bond solid ordering. The proximate Dirac spin liquid is unstable to monopole proliferation on the square lattice, ultimately leading to Néel or valence bond solid ordering. As such, we conjecture that this Higgs transition describes the critical theory separating the gapless ℤ2spin liquid of theJ1-J2model from one of the two proximate ordered phases. The transition into the other ordered phase can be described in a unified manner via a transition into an unstable SU(2) spin liquid, which we have analyzed in prior work. By studying the deconfined critical theory separating the U(1) Dirac spin liquid from the gapless ℤ2spin liquid in a 1/Nfexpansion, withNfproportional to the number of fermions, we find a stable fixed point with an anisotropic spinon dispersion and a dynamical critical exponentz≠ 1. We analyze the consequences of this anisotropic dispersion by calculating the angular profiles of the equal-time Néel and valence bond solid correlation functions, and we find them to be distinct. We also note the influence of the anisotropy on the scaling dimension of monopoles.

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  3. We describe the confining instabilities of a proposed quantum spin liquid underlying the pseudogap metal state of the hole-doped cuprates. The spin liquid can be described by a SU(2) gauge theory ofNf= 2 massless Dirac fermions carrying fundamental gauge charges—this is the low-energy theory of a mean-field state of fermionic spinons moving on the square lattice withπ-flux per plaquette in the ℤ2center of SU(2). This theory has an emergent SO(5)fglobal symmetry and is presumed to confine at low energies to the Néel state. At nonzero doping (or smaller Hubbard repulsionUat half-filling), we argue that confinement occurs via the Higgs condensation of bosonic chargons carrying fundamental SU(2) gauge charges also moving inπ2-flux. At half-filling, the low-energy theory of the Higgs sector hasNb= 2 relativistic bosons with a possible emergent SO(5)bglobal symmetry describing rotations between ad-wave superconductor, period-2 charge stripes, and the time-reversal breaking “d-density wave” state. We propose a conformal SU(2) gauge theory withNf= 2 fundamental fermions,Nb= 2 fundamental bosons, and a SO(5)f×SO(5)bglobal symmetry, which describes a deconfined quantum critical point between a confining state which breaks SO(5)fand a confining state which breaks SO(5)b. The pattern of symmetry breaking within both SO(5)s is determined by terms likely irrelevant at the critical point, which can be chosen to obtain a transition between Néel order andd-wave superconductivity. A similar theory applies at nonzero doping and largeU, with longer-range couplings of the chargons leading to charge order with longer periods.

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  4. We present computations of the thermal Hall coefficient of phonons scattering off a defect with multiple energy levels. Using a microscopic formulation based on the Kubo formula, we find that the leading contribution perturbative in the phonon–defect coupling is proportional to the phonon lifetime and has a “side-jump” interpretation. Consequently, the thermal Hall angle is independent of the phonon lifetime. The contribution to the thermal Hall coefficient is at resonance when the phonon energy equals a defect-level spacing. Our results are obtained for three different defect models, which apply to different correlated electron materials. For the pseudogap regime of the cuprates, we propose a model of phonons coupled to an impurity quantum spin in the presence of quasistatic magnetic order with an isotropic Zeeman coupling to the applied field and without spin–orbit interaction.

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