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  1. Tauman_Kalai, Yael (Ed.)
    A folklore conjecture in quantum computing is that the acceptance probability of a quantum query algorithm can be approximated by a classical decision tree, with only a polynomial increase in the number of queries. Motivated by this conjecture, Aaronson and Ambainis (Theory of Computing, 2014) conjectured that this should hold more generally for any bounded function computed by a low degree polynomial. In this work we prove two new results towards establishing this conjecture: first, that any such polynomial has a small fractional certificate complexity; and second, that many inputs have a small sensitive block. We show that these would imply the Aaronson and Ambainis conjecture, assuming a conjectured extension of Talagrand’s concentration inequality. On the technical side, many classical techniques used in the analysis of Boolean functions seem to fail when applied to bounded functions. Here, we develop a new technique, based on a mix of combinatorics, analysis and geometry, and which in part extends a recent technique of Knop et al. (STOC 2021) to bounded functions. 
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  2. Let f: {0, 1}n → {0, 1} be a boolean function, and let f∧(x, y) = f(x ∧ y) denote the AND-function of f, where x ∧ y denotes bit-wise AND. We study the deterministic communication complexity of f∧ and show that, up to a logn factor, it is bounded by a polynomial in the logarithm of the real rank of the communication matrix of f∧. This comes within a logn factor of establishing the log-rank conjecture for AND-functions with no assumptions on f. Our result stands in contrast with previous results on special cases of the log-rank conjecture, which needed significant restrictions on f such as monotonicity or low F2-degree. Our techniques can also be used to prove (within a logn factor) a lifting theorem for AND-functions, stating that the deterministic communication complexity of f∧ is polynomially related to the AND-decision tree complexity of f. The results rely on a new structural result regarding boolean functions f: {0, 1}n → {0, 1} with a sparse polynomial representation, which may be of independent interest. We show that if the polynomial computing f has few monomials then the set system of the monomials has a small hitting set, of size poly-logarithmic in its sparsity. We also establish extensions of this result to multi-linear polynomials f: {0, 1}n → with a larger range. 
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