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Award ID contains: 2012031

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  1. We present the lowest-order hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin schemes with numerical integration (quadrature), denoted as HDG-P0 for the reaction-diffusion equation and the generalized Stokes equations on conforming simplicial meshes in two- and three-dimensions. Here by lowest order, we mean that the (hybrid) finite element space for the global HDG facet degrees of freedom (DOFs) is the space of piecewise constants on the mesh skeleton. A discontinuous piecewise linear space is used for the approximation of the local primal unknowns. We give the optimal a priori error analysis of the proposed HDG-P0 schemes, which hasn’t appeared in the literature yet for HDG discretizations as far as numerical integration is concerned. Moreover, we propose optimal geometric multigrid preconditioners for the statically condensed HDG-P0 linear systems on conforming simplicial meshes. In both cases, we first establish the equivalence of the statically condensed HDG system with a (slightly modified) nonconforming Crouzeix–Raviart (CR) discretization, where the global (piecewise-constant) HDG finite element space on the mesh skeleton has a natural one-to-one correspondence to the nonconforming CR (piecewise-linear) finite element space that live on the whole mesh. This equivalence then allows us to use the well-established nonconforming geometry multigrid theory to precondition the condensed HDG system. Numerical results in two- and three-dimensions are presented to verify our theoretical findings. 
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  2. Abstract We propose a uniform block-diagonal preconditioner for condensed $H$(div)-conforming hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin schemes for parameter-dependent saddle point problems, including the generalized Stokes equations and the linear elasticity equations. An optimal preconditioner is obtained for the stiffness matrix on the global velocity/displacement space via the auxiliary space preconditioning technique (Xu (1994) The Auxiliary Space Method and Optimal Multigrid Preconditioning Techniques for Unstructured Grids, vol. 56. International GAMM-Workshop on Multi-level Methods (Meisdorf), pp. 215–235). A spectrally equivalent approximation to the Schur complement on the element-wise constant pressure space is also constructed, and an explicit computable exact inverse is obtained via the Woodbury matrix identity. Finally, the numerical results verify the robustness of our proposed preconditioner with respect to model parameters and mesh size. 
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