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Award ID contains: 2018658

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  1. The statistical properties of uniform momentum zones (UMZs) are extracted from laboratory and field measurements in rough wall turbulent boundary layers to formulate a set of stochastic models for the simulation of instantaneous velocity profiles. A spatiotemporally resolved velocity dataset, covering a field of view of$8 \times 9\,{\rm m}^2$, was obtained in the atmospheric surface layer using super-large-scale particle image velocimetry (SLPIV), as part of the Grand-scale Atmospheric Imaging Apparatus (GAIA). Wind tunnel data from a previous study are included for comparison (Heiselet al.,J. Fluid Mech., vol. 887, 2020, R1). The probability density function of UMZ attributes such as their thickness, modal velocity and averaged vertical velocity are built at varying elevations and modelled using log-normal and Gaussian distributions. Inverse transform sampling of the distributions is used to generate synthetic step-like velocity profiles that are spatially and temporally uncorrelated. Results show that in the wide range of wall-normal distances and$Re_\tau$up to$\sim O(10^6)$investigated here, shear velocity scaling is manifested in the velocity jump across shear interfaces between adjacent UMZs, and attached eddy behaviour is observed in the linear proportionality between UMZ thickness and their wall normal location. These very same characteristics are recovered in the generated instantaneous profiles, using both fully stochastic and data-driven hybrid stochastic (DHS) models, which address, in different ways, the coupling between modal velocities and UMZ thickness. Our method provides a stochastic approach for generating an ensemble of instantaneous velocity profiles, consistent with the structural organisation of UMZs, where the ensemble reproduces the logarithmic mean velocity profile and recovers significant portions of the Reynolds stresses and, thus, of the streamwise and vertical velocity variability.

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