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Award ID contains: 2044704

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  1. Abstract

    Since April 2002, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE-FO (FollowOn) satellite gravimetry missions have provided precious data for monitoring mass variations within the hydrosphere, cryosphere, and oceans with unprecedented accuracy and resolution. However, the long-term products of mass variations prior to GRACE-era may allow for a better understanding of spatio-temporal changes in climate-induced geophysical phenomena, e.g., terrestrial water cycle, ice sheet and glacier mass balance, sea level change and ocean bottom pressure (OBP). Here, climate-driven mass anomalies are simulated globally at 1.0° × 1.0° spatial and monthly temporal resolutions from January 1994 to January 2021 using an in-house developed hybrid Deep Learning architecture considering GRACE/-FO mascon and SLR-inferred gravimetry, ECMWF Reanalysis-5 data, and normalized time tag information as training datasets. Internally, we consider mathematical metrics such as RMSE, NSE and comparisons to previous studies, and externally, we compare our simulations to GRACE-independent datasets such as El-Nino and La-Nina indexes, Global Mean Sea Level, Earth Orientation Parameters-derived low-degree spherical harmonic coefficients, andin-situOBP measurements for validation.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025
  2. Zhang, Kai (Ed.)
    Realistic representation of hydrological drought events is increasingly important in world facing decreased freshwater availability. Index-based drought monitoring systems are often adopted to represent the evolution and distribution of hydrological droughts, which mainly rely on hydrological model simulations to compute these indices. Recent studies, however, indicate that model derived water storage estimates might have difficulties in adequately representing reality. Here, a novel Markov Chain Monte Carlo - Data Assimilation (MCMC-DA) approach is implemented to merge global Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) changes from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its Follow On mission (GRACE-FO) with the water storage estimations derived from the W3RA water balance model. The modified MCMC-DA derived summation of deep rooted soil and groundwater storage estimates is then used to compute 0.5∘ standardized groundwater drought indices globally to show the impact of GRACE/GRACE-FO DA on a global index-based hydrological drought monitoring system. Our numerical assessment covers the period of 2003–2021, and shows that integrating GRACE/GRACE-FO data modifies the seasonality and inter-annual trends of water storage estimations. Considerable increases in the length and severity of extreme droughts are found in basins that exhibited multiyear water storage fluctuations and those affected by climate teleconnections. 
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