There is no single canonical polynomial-time version of the Axiom of Choice (AC); several statements of AC that are equivalent in Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory are already inequivalent from a constructive point of view, and are similarly inequivalent from a complexity-theoretic point of view. In this paper we show that many classical formulations of AC, when restricted to polynomial time in natural ways, are equivalent to standard complexity-theoretic hypotheses, including several that were of interest to Selman. This provides a unified view of these hypotheses, and we hope provides additional motivation for studying some of the lesser-known hypotheses that appear here. Additionally, because several classical forms of AC are formulated in terms of cardinals, we develop a theory of polynomial-time cardinality. Nerode & Remmel (
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Abstract Contemp. Math. 106, 1990 and Springer Lec. Notes Math. 1432, 1990) developed a related theory, but restricted to unary sets. Downey (Math. Reviews MR1071525) suggested that such a theory over larger alphabets could have interesting connections to more standard complexity questions, and we illustrate some of those connections here. The connections between AC, cardinality, and complexity questions also allow us to highlight some of Selman’s work. We hope this paper is more of a beginning than an end, introducing new concepts and raising many new questions, ripe for further research. -
Guruswami, Venkatesan (Ed.)We study the complexity of isomorphism problems for d-way arrays, or tensors, under natural actions by classical groups such as orthogonal, unitary, and symplectic groups. These problems arise naturally in statistical data analysis and quantum information. We study two types of complexity-theoretic questions. First, for a fixed action type (isomorphism, conjugacy, etc.), we relate the complexity of the isomorphism problem over a classical group to that over the general linear group. Second, for a fixed group type (orthogonal, unitary, or symplectic), we compare the complexity of the isomorphism problems for different actions. Our main results are as follows. First, for orthogonal and symplectic groups acting on 3-way arrays, the isomorphism problems reduce to the corresponding problems over the general linear group. Second, for orthogonal and unitary groups, the isomorphism problems of five natural actions on 3-way arrays are polynomial-time equivalent, and the d-tensor isomorphism problem reduces to the 3-tensor isomorphism problem for any fixed d >= 3. For unitary groups, the preceding result implies that LOCC classification of tripartite quantum states is at least as difficult as LOCC classification of d-partite quantum states for any d. Lastly, we also show that the graph isomorphism problem reduces to the tensor isomorphism problem over orthogonal and unitary groups.more » « less
Antonis Achilleos ; Dario Della Monica (Ed.)In this paper, we explore the descriptive complexity theory of finite groups by examining the power of the second Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse bijective pebble game in Hella's (Ann. Pure Appl. Log., 1989) hierarchy. This is a Spoiler-Duplicator game in which Spoiler can place up to two pebbles each round. While it trivially solves graph isomorphism, it may be nontrivial for finite groups, and other ternary relational structures. We first provide a novel generalization of Weisfeiler-Leman (WL) coloring, which we call 2-ary WL. We then show that the 2-ary WL is equivalent to the second Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse bijective pebble game in Hella's hierarchy. Our main result is that, in the pebble game characterization, only O(1) pebbles and O(1) rounds are sufficient to identify all groups without Abelian normal subgroups (a class of groups for which isomorphism testing is known to be in P; Babai, Codenotti, & Qiao, ICALP 2012). In particular, we show that within the first few rounds, Spoiler can force Duplicator to select an isomorphism between two such groups at each subsequent round. By Hella's results (ibid.), this is equivalent to saying that these groups are identified by formulas in first-order logic with generalized 2-ary quantifiers, using only O(1) variables and O(1) quantifier depth.more » « less
In this paper we study some classical complexity-theoretic questions regarding G
roup Isomorphism (Gp I). We focus onp -groups (groups of prime power order) with oddp , which are believed to be a bottleneck case for Gp I, and work in the model of matrix groups over finite fields. Our main results are as follows.Although search-to-decision and counting-to-decision reductions have been known for over four decades for G
raph Isomorphism (GI), they had remained open for Gp I, explicitly asked by Arvind & Torán (Bull. EATCS, 2005). Extending methods from Tensor Isomorphism (Grochow & Qiao, ITCS 2021), we show moderately exponential-time such reductions withinp -groups of class 2 and exponentp .D
espite the widely held belief thatp -groups of class 2 and exponentp are the hardest cases of GpI, there was no reduction to these groups from any larger class of groups. Again using methods from Tensor Isomorphism (ibid.), we show the first such reduction, namely from isomorphism testing ofp -groups of “small” class and exponentp to those of class two and exponentp .For the first results, our main innovation is to develop linear-algebraic analogues of classical graph coloring gadgets, a key technique in studying the structural complexity of
GI . Unlike the graph coloring gadgets, which support restricting to various subgroups of the symmetric group, the problems we study require restricting to various subgroups of the general linear group, which entails significantly different and more complicated gadgets.The analysis of one of our gadgets relies on a classical result from group theory regarding random generation of classical groups (Kantor & Lubotzky, Geom. Dedicata, 1990). For the nilpotency class reduction, we combine a runtime analysis
of the Lazard correspondence with T
ensor Isomorphism -completeness results (Grochow & Qiao, ibid.). -
Ta-Shma, Amnon (Ed.)The Tensor Isomorphism problem (TI) has recently emerged as having connections to multiple areas of research within complexity and beyond, but the current best upper bound is essentially the brute force algorithm. Being an algebraic problem, TI (or rather, proving that two tensors are non-isomorphic) lends itself very naturally to algebraic and semi-algebraic proof systems, such as the Polynomial Calculus (PC) and Sum of Squares (SoS). For its combinatorial cousin Graph Isomorphism, essentially optimal lower bounds are known for approaches based on PC and SoS (Berkholz & Grohe, SODA '17). Our main results are an Ω(n) lower bound on PC degree or SoS degree for Tensor Isomorphism, and a nontrivial upper bound for testing isomorphism of tensors of bounded rank. We also show that PC cannot perform basic linear algebra in sub-linear degree, such as comparing the rank of two matrices (which is essentially the same as 2-TI), or deriving BA=I from AB=I. As linear algebra is a key tool for understanding tensors, we introduce a strictly stronger proof system, PC-Inv, which allows as derivation rules all substitution instances of the implication AB=I → BA=I. We conjecture that even PC-Inv cannot solve TI in polynomial time either, but leave open getting lower bounds on PC-Inv for any system of equations, let alone those for TI. We also highlight many other open questions about proof complexity approaches to TI.more » « less
Tauman Kalai, Yael (Ed.)In 2003, Cohn and Umans proposed a group-theoretic approach to bounding the exponent of matrix multiplication. Previous work within this approach ruled out certain families of groups as a route to obtaining ω = 2, while other families of groups remain potentially viable. In this paper we turn our attention to matrix groups, whose usefulness within this framework was relatively unexplored. We first show that groups of Lie type cannot prove ω = 2 within the group-theoretic approach. This is based on a representation-theoretic argument that identifies the second-smallest dimension of an irreducible representation of a group as a key parameter that determines its viability in this framework. Our proof builds on Gowers' result concerning product-free sets in quasirandom groups. We then give another barrier that rules out certain natural matrix group constructions that make use of subgroups that are far from being self-normalizing. Our barrier results leave open several natural paths to obtain ω = 2 via matrix groups. To explore these routes we propose working in the continuous setting of Lie groups, in which we develop an analogous theory. Obtaining the analogue of ω = 2 in this potentially easier setting is a key challenge that represents an intermediate goal short of actually proving ω = 2. We give two constructions in the continuous setting, each of which evades one of our two barriers.more » « less
Glück, R. (Ed.)In this paper, we consider relational structures arising from Comer’s finite field construction, where the cosets need not be sum free. These Comer schemes generalize the notion of a Ramsey scheme and may be of independent interest. As an application, we give the first finite representation of 34_65. We complement our upper bounds with some lower bounds. Using a SAT solver, we establish that neither 33_65 nor 34_65 are representable on fewer than 24 points.more » « less
We report our experiences implementing standards-based grading at scale in an Algorithms course, which serves as the terminal required CS Theory course in our department's undergraduate curriculum. The course had 200-400 students, taught by two instructors, eight graduate teaching assistants, and supported by two additional graders and several undergraduate course assistants. We highlight the role of standards-based grading (SBG) in supporting our students during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conclude by detailing the successes and adjustments we would make to the course structure.more » « less
Kabanets, Valentine (Ed.)In this paper we study some classical complexity-theoretic questions regarding Group Isomorphism (GpI). We focus on p-groups (groups of prime power order) with odd p, which are believed to be a bottleneck case for GpI, and work in the model of matrix groups over finite fields. Our main results are as follows. - Although search-to-decision and counting-to-decision reductions have been known for over four decades for Graph Isomorphism (GI), they had remained open for GpI, explicitly asked by Arvind & Torán (Bull. EATCS, 2005). Extending methods from Tensor Isomorphism (Grochow & Qiao, ITCS 2021), we show moderately exponential-time such reductions within p-groups of class 2 and exponent p. - Despite the widely held belief that p-groups of class 2 and exponent p are the hardest cases of GpI, there was no reduction to these groups from any larger class of groups. Again using methods from Tensor Isomorphism (ibid.), we show the first such reduction, namely from isomorphism testing of p-groups of "small" class and exponent p to those of class two and exponent p. For the first results, our main innovation is to develop linear-algebraic analogues of classical graph coloring gadgets, a key technique in studying the structural complexity of GI. Unlike the graph coloring gadgets, which support restricting to various subgroups of the symmetric group, the problems we study require restricting to various subgroups of the general linear group, which entails significantly different and more complicated gadgets. The analysis of one of our gadgets relies on a classical result from group theory regarding random generation of classical groups (Kantor & Lubotzky, Geom. Dedicata, 1990). For the nilpotency class reduction, we combine a runtime analysis of the Lazard Correspondence with Tensor Isomorphism-completeness results (Grochow & Qiao, ibid.).more » « less