Helical motion is prevalent in nature and has been shown to confer stability and efficiency in microorganisms. However, the mechanics of helical locomotion in larger organisms (>1 centimeter) remain unknown. In the open ocean, we observed the chain forming salp,
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Iasis cylindrica , swimming in helices. Three-dimensional imaging showed that helicity derives from torque production by zooids oriented at an oblique orientation relative to the chain axis. Colonies can spin both clockwise and counterclockwise and longer chains (>10 zooids) transition from spinning around a linear axis to a helical swimming path. Propulsive jets are non-interacting and directed at a small angle relative to the axis of motion, thus maximizing thrust while minimizing destructive interactions. Our integrated approach reveals the biomechanical advantages of distributed propulsion and macroscale helical movement.Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 17, 2025 -
Siphonophores are ubiquitous and often highly abundant members of pelagic ecosystems throughout the open ocean. They are unique among animal taxa in that many species use multiple jets for propulsion. Little is known about kinematics of the individual jets produced by nectophores or whether the jets are coordinated during normal swimming behavior. Using remotely operated vehicles and SCUBA, we video recorded the swimming behavior of several physonect species in their natural environment. The pulsed kinematics of the individual nectophores that comprise the siphonophore nectosome were quantified and, based on these kinematics, we examined the coordination of adjacent nectophores. We found that, for the 5 species considered, nectophores located along same side of the nectosomal axis (i.e.; axially aligned) were coordinated and their timing was offset such that they pulsed metachronally. However, this level of coordination did not extend across the nectosome and no coordination was evident between nectophores on opposite sides of the nectosomal axis. For most species, the metachronal contraction waves of nectophores were initiated by the apical nectophores and traveled dorsally. However, the metachronal wave of Apolemia rubriversa traveled in the opposite direction. Although nectophore groups on opposite sides of the nectosome were not coordinated, they pulsed with similar frequencies. This enabled siphonophores to maintain relatively linear trajectories during swimming. The timing and characteristics of the metachronal coordination of pulsed jets affects how the jet wakes interact and may provide important insight into how interacting jets may be optimized for efficient propulsion.
Many fishes employ distinct swimming modes for routine swimming and predator escape. These steady and escape swimming modes are characterized by dramatically differing body kinematics that lead to context-adaptive differences in swimming performance. Physonect siphonophores, such as Nanomia bijuga , are colonial cnidarians that produce multiple jets for propulsion using swimming subunits called nectophores. Physonect siphonophores employ distinct routine and steady escape behaviors but–in contrast to fishes–do so using a decentralized propulsion system that allows them to alter the timing of thrust production, producing thrust either synchronously (simultaneously) for escape swimming or asynchronously (in sequence) for routine swimming. The swimming performance of these two swimming modes has not been investigated in siphonophores. In this study, we compare the performances of asynchronous and synchronous swimming in N. bijuga over a range of colony lengths (i.e., numbers of nectophores) by combining experimentally derived swimming parameters with a mechanistic swimming model. We show that synchronous swimming produces higher mean swimming speeds and greater accelerations at the expense of higher costs of transport. High speeds and accelerations during synchronous swimming aid in escaping predators, whereas low energy consumption during asynchronous swimming may benefit N. bijuga during vertical migrations over hundreds of meters depth. Our results also suggest that when designing underwater vehicles with multiple propulsors, varying the timing of thrust production could provide distinct modes directed toward speed, efficiency, or acceleration.more » « less
null (Ed.)ABSTRACT Pulsatile jet propulsion is a common swimming mode used by a diverse array of aquatic taxa from chordates to cnidarians. This mode of locomotion has interested both biologists and engineers for over a century. A central issue to understanding the important features of jet-propelling animals is to determine how the animal interacts with the surrounding fluid. Much of our knowledge of aquatic jet propulsion has come from simple theoretical approximations of both propulsive and resistive forces. Although these models and basic kinematic measurements have contributed greatly, they alone cannot provide the detailed information needed for a comprehensive, mechanistic overview of how jet propulsion functions across multiple taxa, size scales and through development. However, more recently, novel experimental tools such as high-speed 2D and 3D particle image velocimetry have permitted detailed quantification of the fluid dynamics of aquatic jet propulsion. Here, we provide a comparative analysis of a variety of parameters such as efficiency, kinematics and jet parameters, and review how they can aid our understanding of the principles of aquatic jet propulsion. Research on disparate taxa allows comparison of the similarities and differences between them and contributes to a more robust understanding of aquatic jet propulsion.more » « less