We show that certain singular structures (Hölderian cusps and mild divergences) are transported by the flow of homeomorphisms generated by an Osgood velocity field. The structure of these singularities is related to the modulus of continuity of the velocity and the results are shown to be sharp in the sense that slightly more singular structures cannot generally be propagated. For the 2D Euler equation, we prove that certain singular structures are preserved by the motion, e.g. a system of
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Abstract vortices (and those that are slightly less singular) travel with the fluid in a nonlinear fashion, up to bounded perturbations. We also give stability results for weak Euler solutions away from their singular set.$$\log \log _+(1/|x|)$$ -
We consider transport of a passive scalar advected by an irregular divergence-free vector field. Given any non-constant initial data ρ ¯ ∈ H loc 1 ( R d ) , d ≥ 2 , we construct a divergence-free advecting velocity field v (depending on ρ ¯ ) for which the unique weak solution to the transport equation does not belong to H loc 1 ( R d ) for any positive time. The velocity field v is smooth, except at one point, controlled uniformly in time, and belongs to almost every Sobolev space W s , p that does not embed into the Lipschitz class. The velocity field v is constructed by pulling back and rescaling a sequence of sine/cosine shear flows on the torus that depends on the initial data. This loss of regularity result complements that in Ann. PDE , 5(1):Paper No. 9, 19, 2019. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Mathematical problems in physical fluid dynamics (part 1)’.more » « less