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  1. Abstract

    This study investigates the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) responses in the 2‐D spatial domain and electron density variations in the 3‐D spatial domain during the annular solar eclipse on 14 October 2023, using ground‐based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations, a novel TEC‐based ionospheric data assimilation system (TIDAS), ionosonde measurements, and satellite in situ data. The main results are summarized as follows: (a) The 2‐D TEC responses exhibited distinct latitudinal differences. The mid‐latitude ionosphere exhibited a more substantial TEC decrease of 25%–40% along with an extended recovery time of 3–4 hr. In contrast, the equatorial and low‐latitude ionosphere experienced a smaller TEC reduction of 10%–25% and a faster recovery time of 20–50 min. The minimal eclipse effect was observed near the northern equatorial ionization anomaly crest region. (b) The ionospheric electron density variations during the eclipse were effectively reconstructed by TIDAS data assimilation in the 3‐D domain, providing important altitude information with validity. (c) The ionospheric electron density variations showed a notable altitude‐dependent feature. The eclipse led to a substantial electron density reduction of 30%–50%, with the maximum depletion occurring around the ionospheric F2‐layer peak height (hmF2) of 250–350 km. The post‐eclipse recovery of electron density exhibited a relatively slower pace near the F2‐layer peak height than that at lower and higher altitudes.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Volcanic eruptions provide broad spectral forcing to the atmosphere and understanding the primary mechanisms that are relevant to explain the variety in waveform characteristics in the Ionosphere‐Thermosphere (IT) is still an important open question for the community. In this study, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Total Electron Content (TEC) data are analyzed and compared to simulations performed by the Global Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Model with Local Mesh Refinement (GITM‐R) for the first phase of the 2015 Calbuco eruption that occurred on 22 April. A simplified source representation and spectral acoustic‐gravity wave (AGW) propagation model are used to specify the perturbation at the lower boundary of GITM‐R at 100 km altitude. Two assumptions on the propagation structure, Direct Spherical (DS) and Ground Coupled (GC), are compared to the GNSS data and these modeling specifications show good agreement with different aspects of the observations for some waveform characteristics. Most notably, GITM‐R is able to reproduce the relative wave amplitude of AGWs as a function of radial distance from the vent, showing acoustic dominant forcing in the near field (<500 km) and gravity dominant forcing in the far‐field (>500 km). The estimated apparent phase speeds from GITM‐R simulations are consistent with observations with ∼10% difference from observation for both acoustic wave packets and a trailing gravity mode. The relevance of the simplifications made in the lower atmosphere to the simulated IT response is then discussed.

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  3. Abstract

    This study investigates the global distribution of electron temperature enhancement observed by Defense Meteorological Satellite Program F16 satellite and its dependence on the season and solar activity for the solar maximum (2014) and minimum (2018) years during geomagnetic quiet times (maximum per day ap <10). Electron temperature enhancements occurred mainly over the North American‐Atlantic (260°–360°E) and Eurasia (0°–160°E) (Southern Oceania (80°–280°E)) sector in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere and are prominent in the winter hemispheres and solar maximum year. They have obvious longitude characteristics. Interestingly, they could extend to geomagnetic equatorial regions in the North American‐Atlantic sector from high to low latitudes in the December Solstice, further crossed the magnetic equator, and merged into the Southern Hemisphere in 2014, where the maximum temperature reached ∼3500 K. Our analysis indicates that low‐energy electrons (<100 eV) associated with photoelectron from the conjugate sunlit hemisphere, can contribute to these enhancements. Furthermore, the local geomagnetic declination, magnetic equator position, and terminator position at magnetic conjugate points together can impact the global distribution of photoelectrons of different energies and therefore the electron temperature enhancement distribution. Other processes (including local electron density variation) may play certain roles as well.

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  4. Abstract

    This paper conducts a multi‐instrument analysis and data assimilation study of midlatitude ionospheric disturbances over the European and North American longitude sectors during a strong geomagnetic storm on 26–28 February 2023. The study uses a set of ground‐based (GNSS receivers, ionosondes) observations, space‐borne (DMSP, GOLD) measurements, and a new TEC‐based ionospheric data assimilation system (TIDAS). We observed a series of distinct storm‐time features with regard to storm‐enhanced density (SED) and subauroral polarization stream (SAPS) as follows: (a) Under multiple ring current intensifications, the storm‐time subauroral ionosphere produced long‐lasting duskside SAPS for ∼36 hr along with considerable dawnside SAPS for several hours. (b) Associated with long‐lived SAPS, strong SED occurred consecutively in the European longitude sector near local noon during a positive ionospheric storm and later in the North American longitude sector near local dusk during a negative ionospheric storm. (c) The 3‐D morphology of SED in multiple longitude sectors was reconstructed using TIDAS data assimilation technique with fine‐scale details, which revealed a narrow ionospheric plasma channel with electron density enhancement and layer uplift.

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  5. Abstract

    A new observational phenomenon, named Simultaneous Global Ionospheric Density Disturbance (SGD), is identified in GNSS total electron content (TEC) data during periods of three typical geospace disturbances: a Coronal Mass Ejection‐driven severe disturbance event, a high‐speed stream event, and a minor disturbance day with a maximum Kp of 4. SGDs occur frequently on dayside and dawn sectors, with a ∼1% TEC increase. Notably, SGDs can occur under minor solar‐geomagnetic disturbances. SGDs are likely caused by penetration electric fields (PEFs) of solar‐geomagnetic origin, as they are associated with Bz southward, increased auroral AL/AU, and solar wind pressure enhancements. These findings offer new insights into the nature of PEFs and their ionospheric impact while confirming some key earlier results obtained through alternative methods. Importantly, the accessibility of extensive GNSS networks, with at least 6,000 globally distributed receivers for ionospheric research, means that rich PEF information can be acquired, offering researchers numerous opportunities to investigate geospace electrodynamics.

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  6. Abstract

    This work investigates mid‐ and low‐latitude ionospheric disturbances over the American sector during a moderate but geo‐effective geomagnetic storm on 13–14 March 2022 (π‐Day storm), using ground‐based Global Navigation Satellite System total electron content data, ionosonde observations, and space‐borne measurements from the Global‐scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD), Swarm, the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP), and the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) satellites. Our results show that this modest but geo‐effective storm created a number of large ionospheric disturbances, especially the dynamic multi‐scale electron density gradient features in the storm main phase as follows: (a) The low‐latitude equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) exhibited a dramatic storm‐time deformation and reformation, where the EIA crests evolved into a bright equatorial band for 1–2 hr and then quickly separated back into the typical double‐crest structure with a broad crest width and deep equatorial trough. (b) Strong equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) occurred with an abnormally high latitude/altitude extension, reaching the geomagnetic latitude of ∼30°, corresponding to an Apex height of 2,600 km above the dip equator. (c) The midlatitude ionosphere experienced a conspicuous storm‐enhanced density (SED) plume structure associated with the subauroral polarization stream (SAPS). This SED/SAPS feature showed an unusual temporal variation that intensified and diminished twice. These distinct mid‐ and low‐latitude ionospheric disturbances could be attributed to the storm‐time electrodynamic effect of electric field perturbation, along with contributions from neutral dynamics and thermospheric composition change.

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  7. Abstract

    This study develops a new Bubble Index to quantify the intensity of 2‐D postsunset equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) in the American/Atlantic sector, using Global‐scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) nighttime data. A climatology and day‐to‐day variability analysis of EPBs is conducted based on the newly‐derived Bubble Index with the following results: (a) EPBs show considerable seasonal and solar activity dependence, with stronger (weaker) intensity around December (June) solstice and high (low) solar activity years. (b) EPBs exhibit opposite geomagnetic activity dependencies during different storm phases: EPBs are intensified concurrently with an increasing Kp, but are suppressed with high Kp occurring 3–6 hr earlier. (c) For the first time, we found that EPBs' day‐to‐day variation exhibited quasi‐3‐day and quasi‐6‐day periods. A coordinated analysis of Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) winds and ionosonde data suggests that this multi‐day periodicity was related to the planetary wave modulation through the wind‐driven dynamo.

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  8. Abstract

    This study provides first storm time observations of the westward‐propagating medium‐scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), particularly, associated with characteristic subauroral storm time features, storm‐enhanced density (SED), subauroral polarization stream (SAPS), and enhanced thermospheric westward winds over the continental US. In the four recent (2017–2019) geomagnetic storm cases examined in this study (i.e., 2018‐08‐25/26, 2017‐09‐07/08, 2017‐05‐27/28, and 2016‐02‐02/03 with minimum SYM‐H index −206, −146, −142, and −58 nT, respectively), MSTIDs were observed from dusk‐to‐midnight local times predominately during the intervals of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz stably southward. Multiple wavefronts of the TIDs were elongated NW‐SE, 2°–3° longitude apart, and southwestward propagated at a range of zonal phase speeds between 100 and 300 m/s. These TIDs initiated in the northeastern US and intensified or developed in the central US with either the coincident SED structure (especially the SED basis region) or concurrent small electron density patches adjacent to the SED. Observations also indicate coincident intense storm time electric fields associated with the magnetosphere–ionosphere–thermosphere coupling electrodynamics at subauroral latitudes (such as SAPS) as well as enhanced thermospheric westward winds. We speculate that these electric fields trigger plasma instability (with large growth rates) and MSTIDs. These electrified MSTIDs propagated westward along with the background westward ion flow which resulted from the disturbance westward wind dynamo and/or SAPS.

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  9. Abstract

    A new TEC‐based ionospheric data assimilation system (TIDAS) over the continental US and adjacent area (20°–60°N, 60°–130°W, and 100–600 km) has been developed through assimilating heterogeneous ionospheric data, including dense ground‐based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Total Electron Content (TEC) from 2,000+ receivers, Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate radio occultation data, JASON satellite altimeter TEC, and Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar measurements. A hybrid Ensemble‐Variational scheme is utilized to reconstruct the regional 3‐D electron density distribution: a more realistic and location‐dependent background error covariance matrix is calculated from an ensemble of corrected NeQuick outputs, and a three‐dimensional variational (3DVAR) method is adopted for measurement updates to obtain an optimal state estimation. The spatial‐temporal resolution of the reanalyzed 3‐D electron density product is as high as 1° × 1° in latitude and longitude, 20 km in altitude, and 5 min in universal time, which is sufficient to reproduce ionospheric fine structure and storm‐time disturbances. The accuracy and reliability of data assimilation results are validated using ionosonde and other measurements. TIDAS reanalyzed electron density is able to successfully reconstruct the 3‐D morphology and dynamic evolution of the storm‐enhanced density (SED) plume observed during the St. Patrick's day geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2013 with high fidelity. Using TIDAS, we found that the 3‐D SED plume manifests as a ridge‐like high‐density channel that predominantly occurred between 300 and 500 km during 19:00–21:00 UT for this event, with the F2 region peak height being raised by 40–60 km and peak density enhancement of 30%–50%.

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  10. An earthquake is a seismic event resulting from a sudden release of energy in the lithosphere, which produces waves that can propagate through the atmosphere into the ionosphere, causing ionospheric disturbances, and excites an additional electric field in the lower ionosphere. Two large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs) at daytime Turkey longitudes were found, with phase speeds of 534 and 305 m/s, respectively, after the second strong earthquake at 10:24 UT on 6 February 2023. During strong earthquakes, the equatorial ionospheric currents including the E-region equatorial electrojet (EEJ) and F-region ionospheric radial current (IRC) might be perturbed. At the Tatuoca station in Brazil, we observed a stronger-than-usual horizontal magnetic field associated with the EEJ, with a magnitude of ~100 nT. EEJ perturbations are mainly controlled by neutral winds, especially zonal winds. In the equatorial F-region, a wave perturbation of the IRC was caused by a balance of the electric field generated by the zonal winds at ~15° MLat, the F-region local winds driven by atmospheric resonance, and the additional polarization electric field. Our findings better the understanding of the complex interplay between seismic events and ionospheric current disturbances.

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