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Award ID contains: 2153978

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  1. Abstract

    The 1 : 2 reaction of the imidazole‐based dithiolate (2) with GeCl2 • dioxane in THF/TMEDA gives3, a TMEDA‐complexed dithiolene‐based germylene. Compound3is converted to monothiolate‐complexed (5) and N‐heterocyclic carbene‐complexed (7) germanium(II) dithiolene complexes via Lewis base ligand exchange. A bis‐dithiolene‐based germylene (8), involving a 3c–4e S‐Ge‐S bond, has also been synthesized through controlled hydrolysis of7. The bonding nature of3,5, and8was investigated by both experimental and theoretical methods.

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