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  1. Abstract

    Climate change is intensifying extreme weather events, including marine heatwaves, which are prolonged periods of anomalously high sea surface temperature that pose a novel threat to aquatic animals. Tropical animals may be especially vulnerable to marine heatwaves because they are adapted to a narrow temperature range. If these animals cannot acclimate to marine heatwaves, the extreme heat could impair their behavior and fitness. Here, we investigated how marine heatwave conditions affected the performance and thermal tolerance of a tropical predatory fish, arceye hawkfish (Paracirrhites arcatus), across two seasons in Moorea, French Polynesia. We found that the fish’s daily activities, including recovery from burst swimming and digestion, were more energetically costly in fish exposed to marine heatwave conditions across both seasons, while their aerobic capacity remained the same. Given their constrained energy budget, these rising costs associated with warming may impact how hawkfish prioritize activities. Additionally, hawkfish that were exposed to hotter temperatures exhibited cardiac plasticity by increasing their maximum heart rate but were still operating within a few degrees of their thermal limits. With more frequent and intense heatwaves, hawkfish, and other tropical fishes must rapidly acclimate, or they may suffer physiological consequences that alter their role in the ecosystem.

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  2. Abstract

    This study adopts a curvature dynamics approach to understand and predict the trajectory of an idealized depth-averaged barotropic outflow onto a slope in shallow water. A novel equation for streamwise curvature dynamics was derived from the barotropic vorticity equation and applied to a momentum jet subject to bottom friction, topographic slope, and planetary rotation. The terms in the curvature dynamics equation have a natural geometric interpretation whereby each physical process can influence the flow direction. It is shown that a weakly spreading jet onto a steep slope admits the formulation of a 1D ordinary differential equation system in a streamline coordinate system, yielding an integrable ordinary differential equation system that predicts the kinematical behavior of the jet. The 1D model was compared with a set of high-resolution idealized depth-averaged circulation model simulations where bottom friction, planetary rotation, and bottom slope were varied. Favorable performance of the 1D reduced physics model was found, especially in the nearfield of the outflow. The effect of nonlinear processes such as topographic stretching and bottom torque on the fate of the jet outflow are explained using curvature dynamics. Planetary rotation has a surprisingly strong influence on the nearfield deflection of an intermediate-scale jet given a sufficient topographic slope. The deflection of the jet across steep slopes affects cross- and alongshelf transport patterns in the tropics.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 31, 2025

    Body size profoundly affects organism fitness and ecosystem dynamics through the scaling of physiological traits. This study tested for variation in metabolic scaling and its potential drivers among corals differing in life history strategies and taxonomic identity. Data were compiled from published sources and augmented with empirical measurements of corals in Moorea, French Polynesia. The data compilation revealed metabolic isometry in broadcasted larvae, but size-independent metabolism in brooded larvae; empirical measurements of Pocillopora acuta larvae also supported size-independent metabolism in brooded coral larvae. In contrast, for juvenile colonies (i.e. 1–4 cm diameter), metabolic scaling was isometric for Pocillopora spp., and negatively allometric for Porites spp. The scaling of biomass with surface area was isometric for Pocillopora spp., but positively allometric for Porites spp., suggesting the surface area to biomass ratio mediates metabolic scaling in these corals. The scaling of tissue biomass and metabolism were not affected by light treatment (i.e. either natural photoperiods or constant darkness) in either juvenile taxa. However, biomass was reduced by 9–15% in the juvenile corals from the light treatments and this coincided with higher metabolic scaling exponents, thus supporting the causal role of biomass in driving variation in scaling. This study shows that metabolic scaling is plastic in early life stages of corals, with intrinsic differences between life history strategy (i.e. brooded and broadcasted larvae) and taxa (i.e. Pocillopora spp. and Porites spp.), and acquired differences attributed to changes in area-normalized biomass.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 15, 2025
  4. Abstract

    Rotational closures have potential fisheries benefits, yet their impact on coral cover is unknown. Research has shown that permanent closures can protect herbivorous fish, indirectly benefiting corals, but these observations may not apply when closed periods alternate with fishing. Here, we examine how rotational closures affect coral, focusing on systems with the potential to switch between alternative stable states, a context in which temporary closures may have persistent effects. We show that rotational closures can trigger coral recovery, and in some contexts lead to better coral recovery than fixed closures of similar size. Such benthic effects are only possible if closures last long enough for change to occur. We also note that very large fixed or rotating closures may concentrate fishing effort in areas where fishing remains permitted, leading to lower overall coral cover. Our findings offer crucial guidance to managers regarding rotational closures’ potential advantages and drawbacks.

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  5. Abstract

    Marine heatwaves are increasing in frequency and duration, threatening tropical reef ecosystems through intensified coral bleaching events. We examined a strikingly variable spatial pattern of bleaching in Moorea, French Polynesia following a heatwave that lasted from November 2018 to July 2019. In July 2019, four months after the onset of bleaching, we surveyed > 5000 individual colonies of the two dominant coral genera,PocilloporaandAcropora, at 10 m and 17 m water depths, at six forereef sites around the island where temperature was measured. We found severe bleaching increased with colony size for both coral genera, butAcroporableached more severely thanPocilloporaoverall. Acroporableached more at 10 m than 17 m, likely due to higher light availability at 10 m compared to 17 m, or greater daily temperature fluctuation at depth. Bleaching inPocilloporacorals did not differ with depth but instead varied with the interaction of colony size and Accumulated Heat Stress (AHS), in that larger colonies (> 30 cm) were more sensitive to AHS than mid-size (10–29 cm) or small colonies (5–9 cm). Our findings provide insight into complex interactions among coral taxa, colony size, and water depth that produce high spatial variation in bleaching and related coral mortality.

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  6. Abstract

    Coral reefs are in global decline with coral diseases playing a significant role. This is especially true for Acroporid corals that represent ~25% of all Pacific coral species and generate much of the topographic complexity supporting reef biodiversity. Coral diseases are commonly sediment-associated and could be exacerbated by overharvest of sea cucumber detritivores that clean reef sediments and may suppress microbial pathogens as they feed. Here we show, via field manipulations in both French Polynesia and Palmyra Atoll, that historically overharvested sea cucumbers strongly suppress disease among corals in contact with benthic sediments. Sea cucumber removal increased tissue mortality ofAcropora pulchraby ~370% and colony mortality by ~1500%. Additionally, farmerfish that killAcropora pulchrabases to culture their algal gardens further suppress disease by separating corals from contact with the disease-causing sediment—functioning as mutualists rather than parasites despite killing coral bases. Historic overharvesting of sea cucumbers increases coral disease and threatens the persistence of tropical reefs. Enhancing sea cucumbers may enhance reef resilience by suppressing disease.

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  7. Abstract

    Coral bleaching is a well-documented and increasingly widespread phenomenon in reefs across the globe, yet there has been relatively little research on the implications for reef water column microbiology and biogeochemistry. A mesocosm heating experiment and bottle incubation compared how unbleached and bleached corals alter dissolved organic matter (DOM) exudation in response to thermal stress and subsequent effects on microbial growth and community structure in the water column. Thermal stress of healthy corals tripled DOM flux relative to ambient corals. DOM exudates from stressed corals (heated and/or previously bleached) were compositionally distinct from healthy corals and significantly increased growth of bacterioplankton, enriching copiotrophs and putative pathogens. Together these results demonstrate how the impacts of both short-term thermal stress and long-term bleaching may extend into the water column, with altered coral DOM exudation driving microbial feedbacks that influence how coral reefs respond to and recover from mass bleaching events.

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  8. Abstract

    Coral reef metabolism is dominated by benthic photoautotrophic communities that comprise varying combinations of algae, coral, and sand. Rates of daily gross primary production (GPP) for these benthic functional types (BFTs) are remarkably consistent across biogeographical regions, supporting the idea that reefs exhibit modal metabolism. Most variability in reported rates likely arises from differences in light availability. In fact, GPP is a linear function of incident photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the fraction of PAR absorbed (fAPAR) by photoautotrophic organisms or communities, and light‐use efficiency (ε), which parameterizes photosynthesizers' biochemical capacity for CO2fixation: GPP = ε × fAPAR × PAR. On time scales of days to weeks, fAPAR andεare far more stable than PAR.εis a critical parameter, because it represents productive response integrated across all environmental conditions, other than light. If BFTs exhibit consistent GPP across wide geographic ranges, then theirεs must also be consistent. The aim of this study was to estimateεfor algae, coral, and sand. Using data collected during NASA's CORAL mission in 2016–2017,εwas calculated for 32 mixed communities at Lizard Island, Australia (10); Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawai'i (8); Guam (6); and Palau (8). Nonnegative least squares was used to solve forεof each BFT, producing values of 0.038, 0.060, and 0.016 C photon−1for algae, coral, and sand, respectively. These values can be used in light‐driven models of reef metabolism. Further work is necessary to refine these estimates and, importantly, to explore howεis affected by environmental conditions.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  9. Abstract

    Sustainably managing fisheries requires regular and reliable evaluation of stock status. However, most multispecies reef fisheries around the globe tend to lack research and monitoring capacity, preventing the estimation of sustainable reference points against which stocks can be assessed. Here, combining fish biomass data for >2000 coral reefs, we estimate site-specific sustainable reference points for coral reef fisheries and use these and available catch estimates to assess the status of global coral reef fish stocks. We reveal that >50% of sites and jurisdictions with available information have stocks of conservation concern, having failed at least one fisheries sustainability benchmark. We quantify the trade-offs between biodiversity, fish length, and ecosystem functions relative to key benchmarks and highlight the ecological benefits of increasing sustainability. Our approach yields multispecies sustainable reference points for coral reef fisheries using environmental conditions, a promising means for enhancing the sustainability of the world’s coral reef fisheries.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2024
  10. Abstract

    The implications of ocean acidification are acute for calcifying organisms, notably tropical reef corals, for which accretion generally is depressed and dissolution enhanced at reduced seawater pH. We describe year‐long experiments in which back reef and fore reef (17‐m depth) communities from Moorea, French Polynesia, were incubated outdoors under pCO2regimes reflecting endpoints of representative concentration pathways (RCPs) expected by the end the century. Incubations were completed in three to four flumes (5.0 × 0.3 m, 500 L) in which seawater was refreshed and circulated at 0.1 m s−1, and the response of the communities was evaluated monthly by measurements of net community calcification (NCC) and net community productivity (NCP). For both communities, NCC (but not NCP) was affected by treatments and time, with NCC declining with increasing pCO2, and for the fore reef, becoming negative (i.e., dissolution was occurring) at the highest pCO2(1067–1433μatm, RCP8.5). There was scant evidence of community adjustment to reduce the negative effects of ocean acidification, and inhibition of NCC intensified in the back reef as the abundance of massivePoritesspp. declined. These results highlight the risks of dissolution under ocean acidification for coral reefs and suggest these effects will be most acute in fore reef habitats. Without signs of amelioration of the negative effects of ocean acidification during year‐long experiments, it is reasonable to expect that the future of coral reefs in acidic seas can be predicted from their current known susceptibility to ocean acidification.

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