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Title: Evolution of the branchiostegal membrane and restricted gill openings in Actinopterygian fishes: EVOLUTION OF RESTRICTED GILL OPENINGS
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Morphology
Page Range / eLocation ID:
681 to 694
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Significance

    The evolution of jaws in early vertebrates provided such a predatory advantage that 99% of vertebrate species living today are jawed. What is often overlooked, however, is another structural innovation that happened concurrently and may have been equally critical to the lineage’s success: the evolution of musculoskeletal gill covers to actively drive oxygenated water over the gills. Here, we identify the first essential gene for gill cover formation in modern vertebrates, Pou3f3, and uncover the genomic element that brought Pou3f3 expression into the pharynx more than 430 Mya. Remarkably, small changes in this deeply conserved sequence account for the single large gill cover in living bony fish versus the five separate covers of sharks and their brethren.

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  2. Abstract

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  3. Abstract

    How much stream temperatures increase within riparian canopy openings and whether stream temperatures cool downstream of these openings both have important policy implications. Past studies of stream cooling downstream of riparian openings have found mixed results including rapid, slow, and no cooling. We collected longitudinal profiles of stream temperatures above, within, and below riparian forest openings along stream segments within otherwise forested riparian conditions to evaluate how sensitivity of stream temperatures to riparian conditions varied across landscape factors. We conducted these temperature surveys across openings in 12 wadeable streams within and near the Upper Little Tennessee River Basin in western North Carolina and northeastern Georgia. Basin areas ranged from 74 to 6,913 ha, and bankfull channel widths varied from 3.4 to 16.4 m. Stream temperatures were collected every 15 min using HOBO® data loggers for 2 weeks in each stream, repeated later in summer in some streams. Reference temperatures were highest in stream reaches at low elevations and with large drainage areas. Stream temperature increases in the middle of riparian gaps were highest when streams drained small high‐elevation watersheds, and increases at the end of openings were highest when the opening length was large relative to watershed size. Downstream from openings, cooling rates were greatest in small, high‐elevation headwater streams and also increased with larger increases in canopy cover. Stream segments that warmed the most within openings also featured higher cooling rates downstream. The data show that stream temperature sensitivity to canopy change is highly dependent on network position and watershed size. A better understanding of stream temperature responses to riparian vegetation may be useful to land managers and landowners prioritizing riparian forest restoration.

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