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Title: Exploring sparsity of firing activities and clock gating for energy-efficient recurrent spiking neural processors
As a model of recurrent spiking neural networks, the Liquid State Machine (LSM) offers a powerful brain-inspired computing platform for pattern recognition and machine learning applications. While operated by processing neural spiking activities, the LSM naturally lends itself to an efficient hardware implementation via exploration of typical sparse firing patterns emerged from the recurrent neural network and smart processing of computational tasks that are orchestrated by different firing events at runtime. We explore these opportunities by presenting a LSM processor architecture with integrated on-chip learning and its FPGA implementation. Our LSM processor leverage the sparsity of firing activities to allow for efficient event-driven processing and activity-dependent clock gating. Using the spoken English letters adopted from the TI46 [1] speech recognition corpus as a benchmark, we show that the proposed FPGA-based neural processor system is up to 29% more energy efficient than a baseline LSM processor with little extra hardware overhead.  more » « less
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Date Published:
Journal Name:
Proceedings - International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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