We study zero-sum differential games with state constraints and one-sided information, where the informed player (Player 1) has a categorical payoff type unknown to the uninformed player (Player 2). The goal of Player 1 is to minimize his payoff without violating the constraints, while that of Player 2 is to either violate the state constraints, or otherwise, to maximize the payoff. One example of the game is a man-to-man matchup in football. Without state constraints, Cardaliaguet (2007) showed that the value of such a game exists and is convex to the common belief of players. Our theoretical contribution is an extension of this result to differential games with state constraints and the derivation of the primal and dual subdynamic principles necessary for computing the behavioral strategies. Compared with existing works on imperfect-information dynamic games that focus on scalability and generalization, our focus is instead on revealing the mechanism of belief manipulation behaviors resulted from information asymmetry and state constraints. We use a simplified football game to demonstrate the utility of this work, where we reveal player positions and belief states in which the attacker should (or should not) play specific random fake moves to take advantage of information asymmetry, and compute how the defender should respond.
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From Battlefields to Elections: Winning Strategies of Blotto and Auditing Games
Mixed strategies are often evaluated based on the expected payoff that they guarantee. This is not always desirable. In this paper, we consider games for which maximizing the expected payoff deviates from the actual goal of the players. To address this issue, we introduce the notion of a (u,p)-maxmin strategy which ensures receiving a minimum utility of u with probability at least p. We then give approximation algorithms for the problem of finding a (u, p)-maxmin strategy for these games.
The first game that we consider is Colonel Blotto, a well-studied game that was introduced in 1921. In the Colonel Blotto game, two colonels divide their troops among a set of battlefields. Each battlefield is won by the colonel that puts more troops in it. The payoff of each colonel is the weighted number of battlefields that she wins. We show that maximizing the expected payoff of a player does not necessarily maximize her winning probability for certain applications of Colonel Blotto. For example, in presidential elections, the players’ goal is to maximize the probability of winning more than half of the votes, rather than maximizing the expected number of votes that they get. We give an exact algorithm for a natural variant of continuous version of this game. More generally, we provide constant and logarithmic approximation algorithms for finding (u, p)-maxmin strategies.
We also introduce a security game version of Colonel Blotto which we call auditing game. It is played between two players, a defender and an attacker. The goal of the defender is to prevent the attacker from changing the outcome of an instance of Colonel Blotto. Again, maximizing the expected payoff of the defender is not necessarily optimal. Therefore we give a constant approximation for (u, p)-maxmin strategies.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1331175
- 10057357
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2018)
- 2160-1445
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2291-2310
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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