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Title: Active Tolerant Testing
In this work, we show that for a nontrivial hypothesis class C, we can estimate the distance of a target function f to C (estimate the error rate of the best h∈C) using substantially fewer labeled examples than would be needed to actually {\em learn} a good h∈C. Specifically, we show that for the class C of unions of d intervals on the line, in the active learning setting in which we have access to a pool of unlabeled examples drawn from an arbitrary underlying distribution D, we can estimate the error rate of the best h∈C to an additive error ϵ with a number of label requests that is {\em independent of d} and depends only on ϵ. In particular, we make O((1/ϵ^6)log(1/ϵ)) label queries to an unlabeled pool of size O((d/ϵ^2)log(1/ϵ)). This task of estimating the distance of an unknown f to a given class C is called {\em tolerant testing} or {\em distance estimation} in the testing literature, usually studied in a membership query model and with respect to the uniform distribution. Our work extends that of Balcan et al. (2012) who solved the {\em non}-tolerant testing problem for this class (distinguishing the zero-error case from the case that the best hypothesis in the class has error greater than ϵ). We also consider the related problem of estimating the performance of a given learning algorithm A in this setting. That is, given a large pool of unlabeled examples drawn from distribution D, can we, from only a few label queries, estimate how well A would perform if the entire dataset were labeled and given as training data to A? We focus on k-Nearest Neighbor style algorithms, and also show how our results can be applied to the problem of hyperparameter tuning (selecting the best value of k for the given learning problem).  more » « less
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Journal Name:
Proceedings of the 31st Conference On Learning Theory
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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