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Title: Explicit two-source extractors and resilient functions
We explicitly construct an extractor for two independent sources on 𝑛 bits, each with min-entropy at least log𝐢𝑛 for a large enough constant 𝐢. Our extractor outputs one bit and has error π‘›βˆ’Ξ©(1). The best previous extractor, by Bourgain, required each source to have min-entropy .499𝑛. A key ingredient in our construction is an explicit construction of a monotone, almost-balanced Boolean function on 𝑛 bits that is resilient to coalitions of size 𝑛1βˆ’π›Ώ for any 𝛿>0. In fact, our construction is stronger in that it gives an explicit extractor for a generalization of non-oblivious bit-fixing sources on 𝑛 bits, where some unknown π‘›βˆ’π‘ž bits are chosen almost polylog(𝑛)-wise independently, and the remaining π‘ž=𝑛1βˆ’π›Ώ bits are chosen by an adversary as an arbitrary function of the π‘›βˆ’π‘ž bits. The best previous construction, by Viola, achieved π‘ž=𝑛1/2–𝛿. Our explicit two-source extractor directly implies an explicit construction of a 2(loglog𝑁)𝑂(1)-Ramsey graph over 𝑁 vertices, improving bounds obtained by Barak et al. and matching an independent work by Cohen.  more » « less
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Annals of mathematics
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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