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Title: Can AFM be used to measure absolute values of Young's modulus of nanocomposite materials down to the nanoscale?
At present, a technique potentially capable of measuring values of Young's modulus at the nanoscale is atomic force microscopy (AFM) working in the indentation mode. However, the question if AFM indentation data can be translated into absolute values of the modulus is not well-studied as yet, in particular, for the most interesting case of stiff nanocomposite materials. Here we investigate this question. A special sample of nanocomposite material, shale rock, was used, which is relatively homogeneous at the multi-micron scale. Two AFM modes, force-volume and PeakForce QNM were used in this study. The nanoindentation technique was used as a control benchmark for the measurement of effective Young's modulus of the shale sample. The indentation rate was carefully controlled. To ensure the self-consistency of the mechanical model used to analyze AFM data, the model was modified to take into account the presence of the surface roughness. We found excellent agreement between the average values of effective Young's modulus calculated within AFM and the nanoindenter benchmark method. At the same time, the softest and hardest areas of the sample were seen only with AFM.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
1937373 1428919 1435655
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Page Range / eLocation ID:
12432 to 12443
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. Raw data of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), force spectroscopy, data analysis and plotting, optical microscopy, and finite element simulations (FEA) for our manuscript. File Formats AFM raw data is provided in Gwyddion format, which can be viewed using the Gwyddion AFM viewer, which has been released under the GNU public software licence GPLv3 and can be downloaded free of charge at Optical microscopy data is provided in JPEG format SEM raw data is provided in TIFF format Data analysis codes were written in MATLAB ( and stored as *.m files Imported raw data to MATLAB and saved MATLAB data were stored as MATLAB multidimensional arrays (MATLAB “struct” data format, *.mat files) FEA results were saved as text files, .txt files) Data (Folder Structure) The data in the dataverse is best viewed in Tree mode. Read me file.docx More Explanations of analysis in docx format. Figure 1 Figure 1 - panel b.jpg (5.5 MB) Optical micrograph (JPEG format) Figure 1 - panel c - AFM Raw Data.gwy (8.0 MB) AFM raw data (Gwyddion format) Figure 1 - panel e - P0_Force-curve_raw_data.txt (3 KB) Raw force-displacement data at P0 (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - Px_Force-curve_raw_data.txt (3 KB) Raw force-displacement data at Px (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - Py_Force-curve_raw_data.txt (3 KB) Raw force-displacement data at Py (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - P0_simulation_raw_data.txt (12 KB) FEA simulated force-distance data at P0 (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - Px_simulation_raw_data.txt (12 KB) FEA simulated force-distance data at Px (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - Py_simulation_raw_data.txt (12 KB) FEA simulated force-distance data at Py (text format) Figure 1 - panel e - FCfindc.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate inverse optical lever sensitivity (InverseOLS) of AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - FreqFindANoise_new.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate white noise constant, A (Explained in the Read me file) (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - FreqFindQ_new.m (4 KB) MATLAB code to calculate Q factor of the AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - FCkeff.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate the effective spring constant k of the AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - FCimport.m (7 KB) MATLAB code to import raw force-displacement data into MATLAB (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - FCForceDist.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to convert raw force-displacement data into force-distance data (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - Figure 1- Panel e - data.mat (6 KB) MATALB struct data file for calibrated force-distance data at all indentation points (matlab .mat format) Figure 1 - panel e - Panel_e_MatlabCode.m (6 KB) MATALB code for plotting experimental and simulated force curves in panel e (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - Read me file - force curve calibration.docx (14 KB) Explains force curve calibration (.docx format) Figure 1 - panel e - Read me file - lever spring constant calibration.docx (14 KB) Explains AFM lever spring constant calibration (.docx format) Figure 2 Figure 2 - panel a - MATLAB data.mat (2.6 KB) MATALB data file for simulated data (matlab .mat format) Figure 2 - panel b - MATLAB data.mat (2.4 KB) MATALB data file for simulated data (matlab .mat format) Figure 2 - panel a - simulation raw data.txt (5.0 KB) Raw simulation data: xyz coordinates of the nodes of deformed FEA mesh (text format) Figure 2 - panel b - simulation raw data.txt (5.0 KB) Raw simulation data: xyz coordinates of the nodes of deformed FEA mesh (text format) Figure 2 - panel ab - MATLABcode.m (1.0 KB) MATALB code for plotting panel a b figures (matlab .m format) Figure 2 - panel c - Degree of Anisotropy datacode.m (1.0 KB) MATALB code for plotting panel c graph (matlab .m format) Figure 3 Figure 3 - panel a - App_curve_1_raw_data.txt (35 KB) Raw force-displacement data approach curve 1 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - App_curve_2_raw_data.txt (34 KB) Raw force-displacement data approach curve 2 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - App_curve_3_raw_data.txt (34 KB) Raw force-displacement data approach curve 3 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - App_curve_4_raw_data.txt (34 KB) Raw force-displacement data approach curve 4 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - Ret_curve_1_raw_data.txt (35 KB) Raw force-displacement data of retract curve 1 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - Ret_curve_2_raw_data.txt (35 KB) Raw force-displacement data of retract curve 2 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - Ret_curve_3_raw_data.txt (35 KB) Raw force-displacement data of retract curve 3 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - Simulation_raw_data-part 1.txt (43 KB) simulated force-displacement data of -part 1 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - Simulation_raw_data-part 2.txt (43 KB) simulated force-displacement data of -part 2 (text format) Figure 3 - panel a - FCfindc.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate inverse optical lever sensitivity (InverseOLS) of AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 3 - panel a - FreqFindANoise_new.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate white noise constant, A (Explained in the Read me file) (matlab .m format) Figure 3 - panel a - FreqFindQ_new.m (4 KB) MATLAB code to calculate Q factor of the AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 3 - panel a - FCkeff.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to calculate the effective spring constant k of the AFM cantelever (matlab .m format) Figure 3 - panel a - FCimport.m (7 KB) MATLAB code to import raw force-displacement data into MATLAB (matlab .m format) Figure 3 - panel a - FCForceDist.m (2 KB) MATLAB code to convert raw force-displacement data into force-distance data (matlab .m format) Figure 1 - panel e - Read me file - force curve calibration.docx (14 KB) Explains force curve calibration (.docx format) Figure 1 - panel e - Read me file - lever spring constant calibration.docx (14 KB) Explains AFM lever spring constant calibration (.docx format) Figure 3 - panel b - SEM Raw Data.tiff (9 KB) SEM raw image of broken silk membrane due to extreme indentation (.tiff format) 
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