- Award ID(s):
- 1718071
- 10179451
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Computational Data and Social Networks. CSoNet 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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It has been shown in multiple studies that expert-created on-demand assistance, such as hint messages, improves student learning in online learning environments. However, there are also evident that certain types of assistance may be detrimental to student learning. In addition, creating and maintaining on-demand assistance are hard and time-consuming. In 2017-2018 academic year, 132,738 distinct problems were assigned inside ASSISTments, but only 38,194 of those problems had on-demand assistance. In order to take on-demand assistance to scale, we needed a system that is able to gather new on-demand assistance and allows us to test and measure its effectiveness. Thus, we designed and deployed TeacherASSIST inside ASSISTments. TeacherASSIST allowed teachers to create on-demand assistance for any problems as they assigned those problems to their students. TeacherASSIST then redistributed on-demand assistance by one teacher to students outside of their classrooms. We found that teachers inside ASSISTments had created 40,292 new instances of assistance for 25,957 different problems in three years. There were 14 teachers who created more than 1,000 instances of on-demand assistance. We also conducted two large-scale randomized controlled experiments to investigate how on-demand assistance created by one teacher affected students outside of their classes. Students who received on-demand assistance for one problem resulted in significant statistical improvement on the next problem performance. The students' improvement in this experiment confirmed our hypothesis that crowd-sourced on-demand assistance was sufficient in quality to improve student learning, allowing us to take on-demand assistance to scale.more » « less
It has been shown in multiple studies that expert-created on demand assistance, such as hint messages, improves student learning in online learning environments. However, there are also evident that certain types of assistance may be detrimental to student learning. In addition, creating and maintaining on-demand assistance are hard and time-consuming. In 2017-2018 academic year, 132,738 distinct problems were assigned inside ASSISTments, but only 38,194 of those problems had on-demand assistance. In order to take on-demand assistance to scale, we needed a system that is able to gather new on-demand assistance and allows us to test and measure its effectiveness. Thus, we designed and deployed TeacherASSIST inside ASSISTments. TeacherASSIST allowed teachers to create on demand assistance for any problems as they assigned those problems to their students. TeacherASSIST then redistributed on-demand assistance by one teacher to students outside of their classrooms. We found that teachers inside ASSISTments had created 40,292 new instances of assistance for 25,957 different problems in three years. There were 14 teachers who created more than 1,000 instances of on-demand assistance. We also conducted two large-scale randomized controlled experiments to investigate how on-demand assistance created by one teacher affected students outside of their classes. Students who received on-demand assistance for one problem resulted in significant statistical improvement on the next problem performance. The students’ improvement in this experiment confirmed our hypothesis that crowd-sourced on demand assistance was sufficient in quality to improve student learning, allowing us to take on-demand assistance to scale.more » « less
Abstract Climate change is causing habitat salinity to transform at unprecedented rates across the globe. While much of the research on climate change has focused on rapid shifts in temperature, far less attention has focused on the effects of changes in environmental salinity. Consequently, predictive studies on the physiological, evolutionary, and migratory responses of organisms and populations to the threats of salinity change are relatively lacking. This omission represents a major oversight, given that salinity is among the most important factors that define biogeographic boundaries in aquatic habitats. In this perspective, we briefly touch on responses of organisms and populations to rapid changes in salinity occurring on contemporary time scales. We then discuss factors that might confer resilience to certain taxa, enabling them to survive rapid salinity shifts. Next, we consider approaches for predicting how geographic distributions will shift in response to salinity change. Finally, we identify additional data that are needed to make better predictions in the future. Future studies on climate change should account for the multiple environmental factors that are rapidly changing, especially habitat salinity.
In this paper, we describe a trilogy of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that together expose knowledge and skills of fundamental importance to HPC. Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers (LAFF) covers topics found in an introductory undergraduate course on linear algebra. It links abstraction in mathematics to abstraction in programming, with many enrichments that connect to HPC. LAFF-On Programming for Correctness introduces how to systematically derive programs to be correct. Of importance to HPC is that this methodology yields families of algorithms so that the best one for a given situation can be chosen. Programming for HPC (working title) is in the design stage. We envision using a very simple example, matrix-matrix multiplication, to illustrate how to achieve performance on a single core, on multicore and many-core architectures, and on distributed memory computers. These materials lower barriers into HPC by presenting insights, supports, and challenges to novices and HPC experts while scaling access to the world.more » « less
Computer science pedagogy, especially in the higher education and vocational training context, has long-favored the hands-on practice provided by programming tasks due to the belief that this leads to better performance on hands-on tasks at work. This assumption, however, has not been experimentally tested against other modes of engagement such as worked example-based reflection. While theory suggests that example-based reflection could be better for conceptual learning, the concern is that the lack of practice will leave students unable to implement the learned concepts in practice, thus leaving them unprepared for work. In this paper, therefore, we experimentally contrast programming practice with example-based reflection to observe their differential impact on conceptual learning and performance on a hands-on task in the context of a collaborative programming project. The industry paradigm of Mob Programming, adapted for use in an online and instructional context, is used to structure the collaboration. Keeping with the prevailing view held in pedagogy, we hypothesize that example-based reflection will lead to better conceptual learning but will be detrimental to hands-on task performance. Results support that reflection leads to conceptual learning. Additionally, however, reflection does not pose an impediment to hands-on task performance. We discuss possible explanations for this effect, thus providing an improved understanding of prior theory in this new computer science education context. We also discuss implications for the pedagogy of software engineering education, in light of this new evidence, that impacts student learning as well as work performance in the future.more » « less