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Title: Themis: Fair and Efficient GPU Cluster Scheduling
Modern distributed machine learning (ML) training workloads benefit significantly from leveraging GPUs. However, significant contention ensues when multiple such workloads are run atop a shared cluster of GPUs. A key question is how to fairly apportion GPUs across workloads. We find that established cluster scheduling disciplines are a poor fit because of ML workloads' unique attributes: ML jobs have long-running tasks that need to be gang-scheduled, and their performance is sensitive to tasks' relative placement. We propose Themis, a new scheduling framework for ML training workloads. It's GPU allocation policy enforces that ML workloads complete in a finish-time fair manner, a new notion we introduce. To capture placement sensitivity and ensure efficiency, Themis uses a two-level scheduling architecture where ML workloads bid on available resources that are offered in an auction run by a central arbiter. Our auction design allocates GPUs to winning bids by trading off fairness for efficiency in the short term, but ensuring finish-time fairness in the long term. Our evaluation on a production trace shows that Themis can improve fairness by more than 2.25X and is ~5% to 250% more cluster efficient in comparison to state-of-the-art schedulers.  more » « less
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17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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