We propose an efficient estimator for the coefficients in censored quantile regression using the envelope model. The envelope model uses dimension reduction techniques to identify material and immaterial components in the data, and forms the estimator based only on the material component, thus reducing the variability of estimation. We will demonstrate the guaranteed asymptotic efficiency gain of our proposed envelope estimator over the traditional estimator for censored quantile regression. Our analysis begins with the local weighing approach that traditionally relies on semiparametric ‐estimation involving the conditional Kaplan–Meier estimator. We will instead invoke the independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) representation of the Kaplan–Meier estimator, which eliminates this infinite‐dimensional nuisance and transforms our objective function in ‐estimation into a ‐process indexed by only an Euclidean parameter. The modified ‐estimation problem becomes entirely parametric and hence more amenable to analysis. We will also reconsider the i.i.d. representation of the conditional Kaplan–Meier estimator.
- 10186571
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Biometrika
- 0006-3444
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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High‐dimensional data with censored outcomes of interest are prevalent in medical research. To analyze such data, the regularized Buckley–James estimator has been successfully applied to build accurate predictive models and conduct variable selection. In this paper, we consider the problem of parameter estimation and variable selection for the semiparametric accelerated failure time model for high‐dimensional block‐missing multimodal neuroimaging data with censored outcomes. We propose a penalized Buckley–James method that can simultaneously handle block‐wise missing covariates and censored outcomes. This method can also perform variable selection. The proposed method is evaluated by simulations and applied to a multimodal neuroimaging dataset and obtains meaningful results.
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Failure time data subject to various types of censoring commonly arise in epidemiological and biomedical studies. Motivated by an AIDS clinical trial, we consider regression analysis of failure time data that include exact and left‐, interval‐, and/or right‐censored observations, which are often referred to as partly interval‐censored failure time data. We study the effects of potentially time‐dependent covariates on partly interval‐censored failure time via a class of semiparametric transformation models that includes the widely used proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases. We propose an EM algorithm for the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation and show that it unifies some existing approaches developed for traditional right‐censored data or purely interval‐censored data. In particular, the proposed method reduces to the partial likelihood approach in the case of right‐censored data under the proportional hazards model. We establish that the resulting estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. In addition, we investigate the proposed method via simulation studies and apply it to the motivating AIDS clinical trial.
Abstract In prevalent cohort studies where subjects are recruited at a cross‐section, the time to an event may be subject to length‐biased sampling, with the observed data being either the forward recurrence time, or the backward recurrence time, or their sum. In the regression setting, assuming a semiparametric accelerated failure time model for the underlying event time, where the intercept parameter is absorbed into the nuisance parameter, it has been shown that the model remains invariant under these observed data setups and can be fitted using standard methodology for accelerated failure time model estimation, ignoring the length bias. However, the efficiency of these estimators is unclear, owing to the fact that the observed covariate distribution, which is also length biased, may contain information about the regression parameter in the accelerated life model. We demonstrate that if the true covariate distribution is completely unspecified, then the naive estimator based on the conditional likelihood given the covariates is fully efficient for the slope.