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Title: Copulas and their potential for ecology
All branches of ecology study relationships among and between environmental and biological variables. However, standard approaches to studying such relationships, based on correlation and regression, provide only some of the complex information contained in the relationships. Other statistical approaches exist that provide a complete description of relationships between variables, based on the concept of the *copula*; they are applied in finance, neuroscience and elsewhere, but rarely in ecology. We explore the concepts that underpin copulas and the potential for those concepts to improve our understanding of ecology. We find that informative copula structure in dependencies between variables is common across all the environmental, species-trait, phenological, population, community, and ecosystem functioning datasets we considered. Many datasets exhibited asymmetric tail associations, whereby two variables were more strongly related in their left compared to right tails, or *vice versa*. We describe mechanisms by which observed copula structure and tail associations can arise in ecological data, including a Moran-like effect whereby dependence structures are inherited from environmental variables; and asymmetric or nonlinear influences of environments on ecological variables, such as under Liebig's law of the minimum. We also describe consequences of copula structure for ecological phenomena, including impacts on extinction risk, Taylor's law, and the temporal stability of ecosystem services. By documenting the importance of a complete description of dependence between variables, advancing conceptual frameworks, and demonstrating a powerful approach, we encourage widespread use of copulas in ecology, which we believe can benefit the discipline.  more » « less
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; ; ; ; ; ;
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Journal Name:
Advances in ecological research
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. Abstract Aim

    We aimed to measure the dominant spatial patterns in ecosystem properties (such as nutrients and measures of primary production) and the multi‐scaled geographical driver variables of these properties and to quantify how the spatial structure of pattern in all of these variables influences the strength of relationships among them.

    Location and time period

    We studied > 8,500 lakes in a 1.8 million km2area of Northeast U.S.A. Data comprised 10‐year medians (2002–2011) for measured ecosystem properties, long‐term climate averages and recent land use/land cover variables.

    Major taxa studied

    We focused on ecosystem properties at the base of aquatic food webs, including concentrations of nutrients and algal pigments that are proxies of primary productivity.


    We quantified spatial structure in ecosystem properties and their geographical driver variables using distance‐based Moran eigenvector maps (dbMEMs). We then compared the similarity in spatial structure for all pairs of variables with the correlation between variables to illustrate how spatial structure constrains relationships among ecosystem properties.


    The strength of spatial structure decreased in order for climate, land cover/use, lake ecosystem properties and lake and landscape morphometry. Having a comparable spatial structure is a necessary condition to observe a strong relationship between a pair of variables, but not a sufficient one; variables with very different spatial structure are never strongly correlated. Lake ecosystem properties tended to have an intermediary spatial structure compared with that of their main drivers, probably because climate and landscape variables with known ecological links induce spatial patterns.

    Main conclusion

    Our empirical results describe inherent spatial constraints that dictate the expected relationships between ecosystem properties and their geographical drivers at macroscales. Our results also suggest that understanding the spatial scales at which ecological processes operate is necessary to predict the effects of multi‐scaled environmental changes on ecosystem properties.

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