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Title: New Algorithms and Bounds for Halving Pseudolines
LetPbe a set of points in general position in the plane. Ahalving lineofPis a line passing through two points ofPand cuttingthe remainingn−2 points in a half (almost half ifnis odd). Gener-alized configurations of points and their representations using allowablesequences are useful for bounding the number of halving lines.We study a problem of finding generalized configurations of pointsmaximizing the number of halving pseudolines. We develop algorithmsfor optimizing generalized configurations of points using the new notionofpartial allowable sequenceand the problem of computing a partialallowable sequence maximizing the number ofk-transpositions. It canbe viewed as a sorting problem using transpositions of adjacent elementsand maximizing the number of transpositions at positionk.We show that this problem can be solved inO(nkn) time for anyk>2, and inO(nk)timefork=1,2. We develop an approach for opti-mizing allowable sequences. Using this approach, we find new bounds forhalving pseudolines for evenn,n≤100.  more » « less
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National Science Foundation
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