As a supplementary or the only water source in dry regions, dew plays a critical role in the survival of organisms. The new hydrological tracer17O-excess, with almost sole dependence on relative humidity, provides a new way to distinguish the evaporation processes and reconstruct the paleoclimate. Up to now, there is no published daily dew isotope record on δ2H, δ18O, δ17O, d-excess, and17O-excess. Here, we collected daily dew between July 2014 and April 2018 from three distinct climatic regions (i.e., Gobabeb in the central Namib Desert with desert climate, Nice in France with Mediterranean climate, and Indianapolis in the central United States with humid continental climate). The δ2H, δ18O, and δ17O of dew were simultaneously analyzed using a Triple Water Vapor Isotope Analyzer based on Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy technique, and then d-excess and17O-excess were calculated. This report presents daily dew isotope dataset under three climatic regions. It is useful for researchers to use it as a reference when studying global dew dynamics and dew formation mechanisms.
Tap water isotopic compositions could potentially record information on local climate and water management practices. A new water isotope tracer17O-excess became available in recent years providing additional information of the various hydrological processes. Detailed data records of tap water17O-excess have not been reported. In this report, monthly tap water samples (n = 652) were collected from December 2014 to November 2015 from 92 collection sites across China. The isotopic composition (δ2H, δ18O, and δ17O) of tap water was analyzed by a Triple Water Vapor Isotope Analyzer (T-WVIA) based on Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) technique and two second-order isotopic variables (d-excess and17O-excess) were calculated. The geographic location information of the 92 collection sites including latitude, longitude, and elevation were also provided in this dataset. This report presents national-scale tap water isotope dataset at monthly time scale. Researchers and water resource managers who focus on the tap water issues could use them to probe the water source and water management strategies at large spatial scales.
more » « less- PAR ID:
- 10197739
- Publisher / Repository:
- Nature Publishing Group
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Scientific Data
- Volume:
- 7
- Issue:
- 1
- 2052-4463
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract The isotopic composition of precipitation is used to trace water cycling and climate change, but interpretations of the environmental information recorded in central Andean precipitation isotope ratios are hindered by a lack of multi‐year records, poor spatial distribution of observations, and a predominant focus on Rayleigh distillation. To better understand isotopic variability in central Andean precipitation, we present a three‐year record of semimonthly δ18Opand δ2Hpvalues from 15 stations in southern Peru and triple oxygen isotope data, expressed as ∆′17Op, from 32 precipitation samples. Consistent with previous work, we find that elevation correlates negatively with δ18Opand that seasonal δ18Opvariations are related to upstream rainout and local convection. Spatial δ18Opvariations and atmospheric back trajectories show that both eastern‐ and western‐derived air masses bring precipitation to southern Peru. Seasonal d‐excesspcycles record moisture recycling and relative humidity at remote moisture sources, and both d‐excesspand ∆′17Opclearly differentiate evaporated and non‐evaporated samples. These results begin to establish the natural range of unevaporated ∆′17Opvalues in the central Andes and set the foundation for future paleoclimate and paleoaltimetry studies in the region. This study highlights the hydrologic understanding that comes from a combination of δ18Op, d‐excessp, and ∆′17Opdata and helps identify the evaporation, recycling, and rainout processes that drive water cycling in the central Andes.
Abstract Tropical islands are simultaneously some of the most biodiverse and vulnerable places on Earth. Water resources help maintain the delicate balance on which the ecosystems and the population of tropical islands rely. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses are a powerful tool in the study of the water cycle on tropical islands, although the scarcity of long-term and high-frequency data makes interpretation challenging. Here, a new dataset is presented based on weekly collection of rainfall H and O isotopic composition on the island of O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, beginning from July 2019 and still ongoing. The data show considerable differences in isotopic ratios produced by different weather systems, with Kona lows and upper-level lows having the lowest δ 2 H and δ 18 O values, and trade-wind showers the highest. The data also show significant spatial variability, with some sites being characterized by higher isotope ratios than others. The amount effect is not observed consistently at all sites. Deuterium excess shows a marked seasonal cycle, which is attributed to the different origin and history of the air masses that are responsible for rainfall in the winter and summer months. The local meteoric water line and a comparison of this dataset with a long-term historical record illustrate strong interannual variability and the need to establish a long-term precipitation isotope monitoring network for Hawai‘i. Significance Statement The isotopic composition of water is often used in the study of island water resources, but the scarcity of high-frequency datasets makes the interpretation of data difficult. The purpose of this study is to investigate the isotopic composition of rainfall on a mountainous island in the subtropics. Based on weekly data collection on O‘ahu, Hawai‘i, the results improve our understanding of the isotopic composition of rainfall due to different weather systems, like trade-wind showers or cold fronts, as well as its spatial and temporal variability. These results could inform the interpretation of data from other mountainous islands in similar climate zones.more » « less
Abstract Dew is one of the important moisture sources in many arid and semiarid regions. The knowledge of moisture origin of dew under various climatic conditions is still lacking. Isotopic variations can preserve information about moisture origin and formation mechanisms. Therefore, the isotopic compositions of dew and precipitation (δ2H, δ18O, δ17O,
d ‐excess,lc ‐excess and17O‐excess) were investigated at three sites with different climatic conditions (i.e., Gobabeb with extremely dry climate, Nice with Mediterranean climate and Indianapolis with humid continental climate). The results showed that there were three types of dew at Gobabeb: advective dew, groundwater‐derived dew, and shallow soil water‐derived dew, accounting for 27.3%, 45.4% and 27.3% of the dew events, respectively. The ultimate moisture sources of advective dew and the other two types of dew at Gobabeb were from the South Atlantic Ocean and a mixture of the Indian and South Atlantic Oceans, respectively. Dew in Nice included ocean‐derived dew from the North Atlantic Ocean with local evapotranspiration replenishment, and local‐derived dew, mainly from the continental Europe and Mediterranean Sea, accounting for 39.1% and 60.9% of the dew events, respectively. All the Indianapolis dew were likely local‐derived dew. Based on the moisture origins, the future dew trends were speculated under global warming. Dew frequencies at Gobabeb and Indianapolis under future climates are uncertain due to the concurrent increases in atmospheric water vapour and temperature. The local‐derived dew in Nice would likely decrease due to the decreasing precipitation and increasing drought, and the ocean‐derived dew under future climates is uncertain. This study provides a practical method to distinguish dew moisture sources, and such information is useful for future prediction of dew trends under climate change. -
Abstract Pacific Islands present unique challenges for water resource management due to their environmental vulnerability, dynamic climates, and heavy reliance on groundwater. Quantifying connections between meteoric, ground, and surface waters is critical for effective water resource management. Analyses of the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the hydrosphere can help illuminate such connections. This study investigates the stable isotope composition of rainfall on O‘ahu in the Hawaiian Islands, with a particular focus on how altitude impacts stable isotope composition. Rainfall was sampled at 20 locations from March 2018 to August 2021. The new precipitation stable isotope data were integrated with previously published data to create the most spatially and topographically diverse precipitation collector network on O‘ahu to date. Results show that
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