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Title: Promise Problems Meet Pseudodeterminism
The {\sc Acceptance Probability Estimation Problem} (APEP) is to additively approximate the acceptance probability of a Boolean circuit. This problem admits a probabilistic approximation scheme. A central question is whether we can design a {\em pseudodeterministic} approximation algorithm for this problem: a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm that outputs a canonical approximation with high probability. Recently, it was shown that such an algorithm would imply that {\em every approximation algorithm can be made pseudodeterministic} (Dixon, Pavan, Vinodchandran; ITCS 2021). The main conceptual contribution of this work is to establish that the existence of a pseudodeterministic algorithm for APEP is fundamentally connected to the relationship between probabilistic promise classes and the corresponding standard complexity classes. In particular, we show the following equivalence: {\em every promise problem in PromiseBPP has a solution in BPP if and only if APEP has a pseudodeterministic algorithm}. Based on this intuition, we show that pseudodeterministic algorithms for APEP can shed light on a few central topics in complexity theory such as circuit lowerbounds, probabilistic hierarchy theorems, and multi-pseudodeterminism.  more » « less
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Electronic colloquium on computational complexity
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Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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