Given a set of facilities and clients, and costs to open facilities, the classic facility location problem seeks to
open a set of facilities and assign each client to one open facility to minimize the cost of opening the chosen
facilities and the total distance of the clients to their assigned open facilities. Such an objective may induce an
unequal cost over certain socioeconomic groups of clients (i.e., total distance traveled by clients in such a
group). This is important when planning the location of socially relevant facilities such as emergency rooms.
In this work, we consider a fair version of the problem where we are given π clients groups that partition
the set of clients, and the distance of a given group is defined as the average distance of clients in the group
to their respective open facilities. The objective is to minimize the Minkowski π-norm of vector of group
distances, to penalize high access costs to open facilities across π groups of clients. This generalizes classic
facility location (π = 1) and the minimization of the maximum group distance (π = β). However, in practice,
fairness criteria may not be explicit or even known to a decision maker, and it is often unclear how to select a
specific "π" to model the cost of unfairness. To get around this, we study the notion of solution portfolios where
for a fixed problem instance, we seek a small portfolio of solutions such that for any Minkowski norm π, one
of these solutions is an π(1)-approximation. Using the geometric relationship between various π-norms, we
show the existence of a portfolio of cardinality π(log π), and a lower bound of (\sqrt{log r}).
There may not be common structure across different solutions in this portfolio, which can make planning
difficult if the notion of fairness changes over time or if the budget to open facilities is disbursed over time. For
example, small changes in π could lead to a completely different set of open facilities in the portfolio. Inspired
by this, we introduce the notion of refinement, which is a family of solutions for each π-norm satisfying a
combinatorial property. This property requires that (1) the set of facilities open for a higher π-norm must be
a subset of the facilities open for a lower π-norm, and (2) all clients assigned to an open facility for a lower
π-norm must be assigned to the same open facility for any higher π-norm. A refinement is πΌ-approximate if
the solution for each π-norm problem is an πΌ-approximation for it. We show that it is sufficient to consider
only π(log π) norms instead of all π-norms, π β [1, β] to construct refinements. A natural greedy algorithm
for the problem gives a poly(π)-approximate refinement, which we improve to poly(r^1/\sqrt{log π})-approximate
using a recursive algorithm. We improve this ratio to π(log π) for the special case of tree metric for uniform
facility open cost. Our recursive algorithm extends to other settings, including to a hierarchical facility location
problem that models facility location problems at several levels, such as public works departments and schools.
A full version of this paper can be found at
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Algorithms and Learning for Fair Portfolio Design
We consider a variation on the classical finance problem of optimal portfolio design. In our setting, a large population of consumers is drawn from some distribution over risk tolerances, and each consumer must be assigned to a portfolio of lower risk than her tolerance. The consumers may also belong to underlying groups (for instance, of demographic properties or wealth), and the goal is to design a small number of portfolios that are fair across groups in a particular and natural technical sense.
Our main results are algorithms for optimal and near-optimal portfolio design for both social welfare and fairness objectives, both with and without assumptions on the underlying group structure. We describe an efficient algorithm based on an internal two-player zero-sum game that learns near-optimal fair portfolios ex ante and show experimentally that it can be used to obtain a small set of fair portfolios ex post as well. For the special but natural case in which group structure coincides with risk tolerances (which models the reality that wealthy consumers generally tolerate greater risk), we give an efficient and optimal fair algorithm. We also provide generalization guarantees for the underlying risk distribution that has no dependence on the number of portfolios and illustrate the theory with simulation results.
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- 10267306
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Economics and Computation (EC) 2021
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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