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Title: Biased Kernel Density Estimators for Chance Constrained Optimal Control Problems
A method is developed for transforming chance constrained optimization problems to a form numerically solvable. The transformation is accomplished by reformulating the chance constraints as nonlinear constraints using a method that combines the previously developed Split-Bernstein approximation and kernel density estimator (KDE) methods. The Split-Bernstein approximation in a particular form is a biased kernel density estimator. The bias of this kernel leads to a nonlinear approximation that does not violate the bounds of the original chance constraint. The method of applying biased KDEs to reformulate chance constraints as nonlinear constraints transforms the chance constrained optimization problem to a deterministic optimization problems that retains key properties of the chance constrained optimization problem and can be solved numerically. This method can be applied to chance constrained optimal control problems. As a result, the Split-Bernstein and Gaussian kernels are applied to a chance constrained optimal control problem and the results are compared.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
2020 American Control Conference
Page Range / eLocation ID:
2820 to 2825
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    A method is developed to numerically solve chance constrained optimal control problems. The chance constraints are reformulated as nonlinear constraints that retain the probability properties of the original constraint. The reformulation transforms the chance constrained optimal control problem into a deterministic optimal control problem that can be solved numerically. The new method developed in this paper approximates the chance constraints using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and kernel density estimators whose kernels have integral functions that bound the indicator function. The nonlinear constraints resulting from the application of kernel density estimators are designed with bounds that do not violate the bounds of the original chance constraint. The method is tested on a nontrivial chance constrained modification of a soft lunar landing optimal control problem and the results are compared with results obtained using a conservative deterministic formulation of the optimal control problem. Additionally, the method is tested on a complex chance constrained unmanned aerial vehicle problem. The results show that this new method can be used to reliably solve chance constrained optimal control problems.

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    Funding: The research of B. Zwart is supported by the NWO (Dutch Research Council) [Grant 639.033.413]. The research of J. Blanchet is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research [Award FA9550-20-1-0397], the National Science Foundation [Grants 1820942, 1838576, 1915967, and 2118199], Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [Award N660011824028], and China Merchants Bank.

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