Randomized smoothing has been shown to provide good certified-robustness guarantees for high-dimensional classification problems. It uses the probabilities of predicting the top two most-likely classes around an input point under a smoothing distribution to generate a certified radius for a classifier's prediction. However, most smoothing methods do not give us any information about the confidence with which the underlying classifier (e.g., deep neural network) makes a prediction. In this work, we propose a method to generate certified radii for the prediction confidence of the smoothed classifier. We consider two notions for quantifying confidence: average prediction score of a class and the margin by which the average prediction score of one class exceeds that of another. We modify the Neyman-Pearson lemma (a key theorem in randomized smoothing) to design a procedure for computing the certified radius where the confidence is guaranteed to stay above a certain threshold. Our experimental results on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets show that using information about the distribution of the confidence scores allows us to achieve a significantly better certified radius than ignoring it. Thus, we demonstrate that extra information about the base classifier at the input point can help improve certified guarantees for the smoothed classifier.
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