The development of an organism from an undifferentiated single cell into a spatially complex structure requires spatial patterning of cell fates across tissues. Positional information, proposed by Lewis Wolpert in 1969, has led to the characterization of many components involved in regulating morphogen signaling activity. However, how morphogen gradients are established, maintained, and interpreted by cells still is not fully understood. Quantitative and systems‐based approaches are increasingly needed to define general biological design rules that govern positional information systems in developing organisms. This short review highlights a selective set of studies that have investigated the roles of physiological signaling in modulating and mediating morphogen‐based pattern formation. Similarities between neural transmission and morphogen‐based pattern formation mechanisms suggest underlying shared principles of active cell‐based communication. Within larger tissues, neural networks provide directed information, via physiological signaling, that supplements positional information through diffusion. Further, mounting evidence demonstrates that physiological signaling plays a role in ensuring robustness of morphogen‐based signaling. We conclude by highlighting several outstanding questions regarding the role of physiological signaling in morphogen‐based pattern formation. Elucidating how physiological signaling impacts positional information is critical for understanding the close coupling of developmental and cellular processes in the context of development, disease, and regeneration.
- Award ID(s):
- 2118561
- 10286250
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- eLife
- Volume:
- 9
- 2050-084X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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