A wide variety of activation functions have been proposed for neural networks. The Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is especially popular today. There are many practical reasons that motivate the use of the ReLU. This paper provides new theoretical characterizations that support the use of the ReLU, its variants such as the leaky ReLU, as well as other activation functions in the case of univariate, single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks. Our results also explain the importance of commonly used strategies in the design and training of neural networks such as “weight decay” and “path-norm” regularization, and provide a new justification for the use of “skip connections” in network architectures. These new insights are obtained through the lens of spline theory. In particular, we show how neural network training problems are related to infinite-dimensional optimizations posed over Banach spaces of functions whose solutions are well-known to be fractional and polynomial splines, where the particular Banach space (which controls the order of the spline) depends on the choice of activation function.
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Effects of Nonlinearity and Network Architecture on the Performance of Supervised Neural Networks
The nonlinearity of activation functions used in deep learning models is crucial for the success of predictive models. Several simple nonlinear functions, including Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) and Leaky-ReLU (L-ReLU) are commonly used in neural networks to impose the nonlinearity. In practice, these functions remarkably enhance the model accuracy. However, there is limited insight into the effects of nonlinearity in neural networks on their performance. Here, we investigate the performance of neural network models as a function of nonlinearity using ReLU and L-ReLU activation functions in the context of different model architectures and data domains. We use entropy as a measurement of the randomness, to quantify the effects of nonlinearity in different architecture shapes on the performance of neural networks. We show that the ReLU nonliearity is a better choice for activation function mostly when the network has sufficient number of parameters. However, we found that the image classification models with transfer learning seem to perform well with L-ReLU in fully connected layers. We show that the entropy of hidden layer outputs in neural networks can fairly represent the fluctuations in information loss as a function of nonlinearity. Furthermore, we investigate the entropy profile of shallow neural networks as a way of representing their hidden layer dynamics.
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- 10291464
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Algorithms
- Volume:
- 14
- Issue:
- 2
- 1999-4893
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 51
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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