- Award ID(s):
- 1931419
- 10292994
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- International Conference on Educational Data Mining
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Similar content has tremendous utility in classroom and online learning environments. For example, similar content can be used to combat cheating, track students’ learning over time, and model students’ latent knowledge. These different use cases for similar content all rely on different notions of similarity, which make it difficult to determine contents’ similarities. Crowdsourcing is an effective way to identify similar content in a variety of situations by providing workers with guidelines on how to identify similar content for a particular use case. However, crowdsourced opinions are rarely homogeneous and therefore must be aggregated into what is most likely the truth. This work presents the Dynamically Weighted Majority Vote method. A novel algorithm that combines aggregating workers’ crowdsourced opinions with estimating the reliability of each worker. This method was compared to the traditional majority vote method in both a simulation study and an empirical study, in which opinions on seventh grade mathematics problems’ similarity were crowdsourced from middle school math teachers and college students. In both the simulation and the empirical study the Dynamically Weighted Majority Vote method outperformed the traditional majority vote method, suggesting that this method should be used instead of majority vote in future crowdsourcing endeavors.more » « less
Law, Edith ; Vaughan, Jennifer W (Ed.)In this paper, we analyze PAC learnability from labels produced by crowdsourcing. In our setting, unlabeled examples are drawn from a distribution and labels are crowdsourced from workers who operate under classification noise, each with their own noise parameter. We develop an end-to-end crowdsourced PAC learning algorithm that takes unlabeled data points as input and outputs a trained classifier. Our threestep algorithm incorporates majority voting, pure-exploration bandits, and noisy-PAC learning. We prove several guarantees on the number of tasks labeled by workers for PAC learning in this setting and show that our algorithm improves upon the baseline by reducing the total number of tasks given to workers. We demonstrate the robustness of our algorithm by exploring its application to additional realistic crowdsourcing settings.more » « less
null (Ed.)
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Abstract Initial research on using crowdsourcing as a collaborative method for helping individuals identify phishing messages has shown promising results. However, the vast majority of crowdsourcing research has focussed on crowdsourced system components broadly and understanding individuals' motivation in contributing to crowdsourced systems. Little research has examined the features of crowdsourced systems that influence whether individuals utilise this information, particularly in the context of warnings for phishing emails. Thus, the present study examined four features related to warnings derived from a mock crowdsourced anti‐phishing warning system that 438 participants were provided to aid in their evaluation of a series of email messages: the number of times an email message was reported as being potentially suspicious, the source of the reports, the accuracy rate of the warnings (based on reports) and the disclosure of the accuracy rate. The results showed that crowdsourcing features work together to encourage warning acceptance and reduce anxiety. Accuracy rate demonstrated the most prominent effects on outcomes related to judgement accuracy, adherence to warning recommendations and anxiety with system use. The results are discussed regarding implications for organisations considering the design and implementation of crowdsourced phishing warning systems that facilitate accurate recommendations.
Crowdsourcing has rapidly become a computing paradigm in machine learning and artificial intelligence. In crowdsourcing, multiple labels are collected from crowd-workers on an instance usually through the Internet. These labels are then aggregated as a single label to match the ground truth of the instance. Due to its open nature, human workers in crowdsourcing usually come with various levels of knowledge and socio-economic backgrounds. Effectively handling such human factors has been a focus in the study and applications of crowdsourcing. For example, Bi et al studied the impacts of worker's dedication, expertise, judgment, and task difficulty (Bi et al 2014). Qiu et al offered methods for selecting workers based on behavior prediction (Qiu et al 2016). Barbosa and Chen suggested rehumanizing crowdsourcing to deal with human biases (Barbosa 2019). Checco et al studied adversarial attacks on crowdsourcing for quality control (Checco et al 2020). There are many more related works available in literature. In contrast to commonly used binary-valued labels, interval-valued labels (IVLs) have been introduced very recently (Hu et al 2021). Applying statistical and probabilistic properties of interval-valued datasets, Spurling et al quantitatively defined worker's reliability in four measures: correctness, confidence, stability, and predictability (Spurling et al 2021). Calculating these measures, except correctness, does not require the ground truth of each instance but only worker’s IVLs. Applying these quantified reliability measures, people have significantly improved the overall quality of crowdsourcing (Spurling et al 2022). However, in real world applications, the reliability of a worker may vary from time to time rather than a constant. It is necessary to monitor worker’s reliability dynamically. Because a worker j labels instances sequentially, we treat j’s IVLs as an interval-valued time series in our approach. Assuming j’s reliability relies on the IVLs within a time window only, we calculate j’s reliability measures with the IVLs in the current time window. Moving the time window forward with our proposed practical strategies, we can monitor j’s reliability dynamically. Furthermore, the four reliability measures derived from IVLs are time varying too. With regression analysis, we can separate each reliability measure as an explainable trend and possible errors. To validate our approaches, we use four real world benchmark datasets in our computational experiments. Here are the main findings. The reliability weighted interval majority voting (WIMV) and weighted preferred matching probability (WPMP) schemes consistently overperform the base schemes in terms of much higher accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Note: the base schemes are majority voting (MV), interval majority voting (IMV), and preferred matching probability (PMP). Through monitoring worker’s reliability, our computational experiments have successfully identified possible attackers. By removing identified attackers, we have ensured the quality. We have also examined the impact of window size selection. It is necessary to monitor worker’s reliability dynamically, and our computational results evident the potential success of our approaches.This work is partially supported by the US National Science Foundation through the grant award NSF/OIA-1946391.