- 10301807
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 2285 to 2290
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Multicopy search structures such as log-structured merge (LSM) trees are optimized for high insert/update/delete (collectively known as upsert) performance. In such data structures, an upsert on key k , which adds ( k , v ) where v can be a value or a tombstone, is added to the root node even if k is already present in other nodes. Thus there may be multiple copies of k in the search structure. A search on k aims to return the value associated with the most recent upsert. We present a general framework for verifying linearizability of concurrent multicopy search structures that abstracts from the underlying representation of the data structure in memory, enabling proof-reuse across diverse implementations. Based on our framework, we propose template algorithms for (a) LSM structures forming arbitrary directed acyclic graphs and (b) differential file structures, and formally verify these templates in the concurrent separation logic Iris. We also instantiate the LSM template to obtain the first verified concurrent in-memory LSM tree implementation.more » « less
Abstract In the pre-big data era, many traditional databases supported spatial queries via spatial indexes. However, modern applications are seeing a rapid increase of the volume and ingestion rate of spatial data. Log-structured Merge (LSM) tree is used by many big data systems as their storage structure in order to support write-intensive large-volume workloads, which are usually only optimized for single-dimensional data. Research has studied how spatial indexes can be supported on LSM systems, but focused mainly on the local index organization, that is, how data is organized inside a single LSM component. This paper studies various aspects of LSM spatial indexing, including spatial merge policies, which determine when and how spatial components are merged. Three stack-based and one leveled merge policies have been studied, which have been implemented on a common big data system Apache AsterixDB. The write and read performance on various workloads is evaluated, and our findings and recommendations are discussed. A key finding is that Leveled policies underperform other stack-based merge policies for most types of spatial workloads.
Data-intensive applications have fueled the evolution of
log-structured merge (LSM) based key-value engines that employ theout-of-place paradigm to support high ingestion rates with low read/write interference. These benefits, however, come at the cost oftreating deletes as second-class citizens . A delete operation inserts atombstone that invalidates older instances of the deleted key. State-of-the-art LSM-engines do not provide guarantees as to how fast a tombstone will propagate topersist the deletion . Further, LSM-engines only support deletion on the sort key. To delete on another attribute (e.g., timestamp), the entire tree is read and re-written, leading to undesired latency spikes and increasing the overall operational cost of a database. Efficient and persistent deletion is key to support: (i) streaming systems operating on a window of data, (ii) privacy with latency guarantees on data deletion, and (iii)en masse cloud deployment of data systems.Further, we document that LSM-based key-value engines perform suboptimally in the presence of deletes in a workload. Tombstone-driven logical deletes, by design, are unable to purge the deleted entries in a timely manner, and retaining the invalidated entries perpetually affects the overall performance of LSM-engines in terms of space amplification, write amplification, and read performance. Moreover, the potentially unbounded latency for persistent deletes brings in critical privacy concerns in light of the data privacy protection regulations, such as the
right to be forgotten in EU’s GDPR, theright to delete in California’s CCPA and CPRA, anddeletion right in Virginia’s VCDPA. Toward this, we introduce the delete design space for LSM-trees and highlight the performance implications of the different classes of delete operations.To address these challenges, in this article, we build a new key-value storage engine,
Lethe+ , that uses a very small amount of additional metadata, a set of new delete-aware compaction policies, and a new physical data layout that weaves the sort and the delete key order. We show thatLethe+ supports any user-defined threshold for the delete persistence latency offeringhigher read throughput (1.17× -1.4×) andlower space amplification (2.1× -9.8×), with a modest increase in write amplification (between 4% and 25%) that can be further amortized to less than 1%. In addition,Lethe+ supports efficient range deletes on asecondary delete key by dropping entire data pages without sacrificing read performance or employing a costly full tree merge. -
Computer systems utilizing byte-addressable Non-Volatile Memory ( NVM ) as memory/storage can provide low-latency data persistence. The widely used key-value stores using Log-Structured Merge Tree ( LSM-Tree ) are still beneficial for NVM systems in aspects of the space and write efficiency. However, the significant write amplification introduced by the leveled compaction of LSM-Tree degrades the write performance of the key-value store and shortens the lifetime of the NVM devices. The existing studies propose new compaction methods to reduce write amplification. Unfortunately, they result in a relatively large read amplification. In this article, we propose NVLSM, a key-value store for NVM systems using LSM-Tree with new accumulative compaction. By fully utilizing the byte-addressability of NVM, accumulative compaction uses pointers to accumulate data into multiple floors in a logically sorted run to reduce the number of compactions required. We have also proposed a cascading searching scheme for reads among the multiple floors to reduce read amplification. Therefore, NVLSM reduces write amplification with small increases in read amplification. We compare NVLSM with key-value stores using LSM-Tree with two other compaction methods: leveled compaction and fragmented compaction. Our evaluations show that NVLSM reduces write amplification by up to 67% compared with LSM-Tree using leveled compaction without significantly increasing the read amplification. In write-intensive workloads, NVLSM reduces the average latency by 15.73%–41.2% compared to other key-value stores.more » « less
A data structure A is said to be dynamically optimal over a class of data structures C if A is constant- competitive with every data structure C ∈ C. Much of the research on binary search trees in the past forty years has focused on studying dynamic optimality over the class of binary search trees that are modified via rotations (and indeed, the question of whether splay trees are dynamically optimal has gained notoriety as the so-called dynamic-optimality conjecture). Recently, researchers have extended this to consider dynamic optimality over certain classes of external-memory search trees. In particular, Demaine, Iacono, Koumoutsos, and Langerman propose a class of external-memory trees that support a notion of tree rotations, and then give an elegant data structure, called the Belga B-tree, that is within an O(log log N )-factor of being dynamically optimal over this class. In this paper, we revisit the question of how dynamic optimality should be defined in external memory. A defining characteristic of external-memory data structures is that there is a stark asymmetry between queries and inserts/updates/deletes: by making the former slightly asymptotically slower, one can make the latter significantly asymptotically faster (even allowing for operations with sub-constant amortized I/Os). This asymmetry makes it so that rotation-based search trees are not optimal (or even close to optimal) in insert/update/delete-heavy external-memory workloads. To study dynamic optimality for such workloads, one must consider a different class of data structures. The natural class of data structures to consider are what we call buffered-propagation trees. Such trees can adapt dynamically to the locality properties of an input sequence in order to optimize the interactions between different inserts/updates/deletes and queries. We also present a new form of beyond-worst-case analysis that allows for us to formally study a continuum between static and dynamic optimality. Finally, we give a novel data structure, called the Jεllo Tree, that is statically optimal and that achieves dynamic optimality for a large natural class of inputs defined by our beyond-worst-case analysis.more » « less