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Title: Investigating Traffic Crashes Involving Autonomous Vehicles
Deaths due to road traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Furthermore, the economic impact of road traffic accidents accounts for about 3% of the United States' annual gross domestic product (GDP). In the past decade, extensive research has focused on autonomous vehicles (AVs). This technology is said to help prevent traffic accidents while promoting road traffic safety. This study aims to investigate the safety performance of AVs and identify the significant risk factors associated with the AV collisions. The study considers more than 200 crashes involving AVs and includes vehicle factors, environmental factors, collision type and crash severity. Multinomial logistic regression was conducted with collision type. The results showed no statistically significant risk factors to crash severity. However, movement preceding to collision contributes significantly to collision type. When both vehicles are moving, there's a higher likelihood of an angled collision, 47% to be exact. The other scenario which demonstrates a high probability of an angled collision is when the AV vehicle is not moving while the other is moving. The highest probability for a rear-end collision to occur is when the AV vehicle is not moving while the other is moving. This scenario makes up 55% of the entire rear-end collisions. As for the second-highest proportion, both vehicles moving, it consists of 42%. The research shall help reduce AV involved collisions and increase driving safety.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
A. Ghate, K. Krishnaiyer
Date Published:
Journal Name:
IISE Annual Conference Proceedings
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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