Alaria, Didelphodiplostomum and Pharyngostomoides are among genera of diplostomid digeneans known to parasitize mammalian definitive hosts. Despite numerous recent molecular phylogenetic studies of diplostomids, limited DNA sequence data is available from diplostomids parasitic in mammals. Herein, we provide the first 28S rDNA and cox1 mtDNA sequences from morphologically identified, adult specimens of Didelphodiplostomum and Pharyngostomoides. Newly generated 28S sequences were used to infer the phylogenetic interrelationships of these two genera among other major lineages of diplostomoideans. The phylogeny based on 28S and a review of morphology clearly suggests that Pharyngostomoides should be considered a junior synonym of Alaria, while Didelphodiplostomum should be considered a junior synonym of Tylodelphys. Pharyngostomoides procyonis (type species), Pharyngostomoides adenocephala and Pharyngostomoides dasyuri were transferred into Alaria as Alaria procyonis comb. nov., Alaria adenocephala comb. nov. and Alaria dasyuri comb. nov.; Didelphodiplostomum variabile (type species) and Didelphodiplostomum nunezae were transferred into Tylodelphys as Tylodelphys variabilis comb. nov. and Tylodelphys nunezae comb. nov. In addition, Alaria ovalis comb. nov. (formerly included in Pharyngostomoides) was restored and transferred into Alaria based on a morphological study of well-fixed, adult specimens and the comparison of cox1 DNA sequences among Alaria spp. The diplostomid genus Parallelorchis was restored based on review of morphology.
- Award ID(s):
- 1852459
- 10316533
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Zoological journal of the Linnean Society
- 0024-4082
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Fibricola and Neodiplostomum are diplostomid genera with very similar morphology that are currently separated based on their definitive hosts. Fibricola spp. are normally found in mammals, while Neodiplostomum spp. typically parasitize birds. Previously, no DNA sequence data was available for any member of Fibricola . We generated nuclear ribosomal and mtDNA sequences of Fibricola cratera (type-species), Fibricola lucidum and 6 species of Neodiplostomum . DNA sequences were used to examine phylogenetic interrelationships among Fibricola and Neodiplostomum and re-evaluate their systematics. Molecular phylogenies and morphological study suggest that Fibricola should be considered a junior synonym of Neodiplostomum . Therefore, we synonymize the two genera and transfer all members of Fibricola into Neodiplostomum . Specimens morphologically identified as Neodiplostomum cratera belonged to 3 distinct phylogenetic clades based on mitochondrial data. One of those clades also included sequences of specimens identified morphologically as Neodiplostomum lucidum . Further study is necessary to resolve the situation regarding the morphology of N. cratera . Our results demonstrated that some DNA sequences of N. americanum available in GenBank originate from misidentified Neodiplostomum banghami . Molecular phylogentic data revealed at least 2 independent host-switching events between avian and mammalian hosts in the evolutionary history of Neodiplostomum ; however, the directionality of these host-switching events remains unclear.more » « less
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