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Title: Detecting bound polymer layers in attractive polymer–nanoparticle hybrids
When polymer–nanoparticle (NP) attractions are sufficiently strong, a bound polymer layer with a distinct dynamic signature spontaneously forms at the NP interface. A similar phenomenon occurs near a fixed attractive substrate for thin polymer films. While our previous simulations fixed the NPs to examine the dilute limit, here, we allow the NP to move. Our goal is to investigate how NP mobility affects the signature of the bound layer. For small NPs that are relatively mobile, the bound layer is slaved to the motion of the NP, and the signature of the bound layer relaxation in the intermediate scattering function essentially disappears. The slow relaxation of the bound layer can be recovered when the scattering function is measured in the NP reference frame, but this process would be challenging to implement in experimental systems with multiple NPs. Instead, we use the counterintuitive result that the NP mass affects its mobility in the nanoscale limit, along with the more expected result that the bound layer increases the effective NP mass, to suggest that the signature of the bound polymer manifests as a change in NP diffusivity. These findings allow us to rationalize and quantitatively understand the results of recent experiments focused on measuring NP diffusivity with either physically adsorbed or chemically end-grafted chains.  more » « less
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Medium: X
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National Science Foundation
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