- 10320960
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
- Volume:
- 259
- Issue:
- 2
- 0067-0049
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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It is now well established that galaxies have different morphologies, gas contents, and star formation rates (SFR) in dense environments like galaxy clusters. The impact of environmental density extends to several virial radii, and galaxies appear to be pre-processed in filaments and groups before falling into the cluster. Our goal is to quantify this pre-processing in terms of gas content and SFR, as a function of density in cosmic filaments. We have observed the two first CO transitions in 163 galaxies with the IRAM-30 m telescope, and added 82 more measurements from the literature, thus forming a sample of 245 galaxies in the filaments around the Virgo cluster. We gathered HI-21cm measurements from the literature and observed 69 galaxies with the Nançay telescope to complete our sample. We compare our filament galaxies with comparable samples from the Virgo cluster and with the isolated galaxies of the AMIGA sample. We find a clear progression from field galaxies to filament and cluster galaxies for decreasing SFR, increasing fraction of galaxies in the quenching phase, an increasing proportion of early-type galaxies, and decreasing gas content. Galaxies in the quenching phase, defined as having a SFR below one-third of that of the main sequence (MS), are only between 0% and 20% in the isolated sample, according to local galaxy density, while they are 20%–60% in the filaments and 30%–80% in the Virgo cluster. Processes that lead to star formation quenching are already at play in filaments; they depend mostly on the local galaxy density, while the distance to the filament spine is a secondary parameter. While the HI-to-stellar-mass ratio decreases with local density by an order of magnitude in the filaments, and two orders of magnitude in the Virgo cluster with respect to the field, the decrease is much less for the H 2 -to-stellar-mass ratio. As the environmental density increases, the gas depletion time decreases, because the gas content decreases faster than the SFR. This suggests that gas depletion precedes star formation quenching.more » « less
ABSTRACT Galaxy properties are known to be affected by their environment. This is well established for the extremes of the density scales, between the high-density cluster environment and the low-density field. It is, however, not fully understood how the intermediate-density regime of cosmic web filaments affects galaxy evolution. We investigate this environmental effect using a mass complete sample of 23 441 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR8 Main Galaxy Sample (${M}_{\text{Stellar}} \gt 10^{9.91} \text{M}_{\odot }$). We define six environments, probing different density regimes and representing unique stages in the structure formation process, comparing the differences in star formation activity and morphology between them. We find that galaxies in filaments tend to be less star-forming and favour more early-type morphologies than those in the field. These differences persist when considering stellar mass-matched samples, suggesting that this is a consequence of the environment. We further investigate whether these trends are a result of the large-scale or local environment through constructing samples matched both in stellar mass and local galaxy density. We find that when also matching in local galaxy density, the differences observed between the filament and field population vanishes, concluding that the environmental effect of filaments can be entirely parametrized by a local galaxy density index. We find that differences can still be seen in comparisons with the interiors of clusters, suggesting these are unique environments which can impart additional physical processes not characterized by local galaxy density.
ABSTRACT Galaxy environment plays an important role in driving the transformation of galaxies from blue and star forming to red and quenched. Recent works have focused on the role of cosmic web filaments in galaxy evolution and have suggested that stellar mass segregation, quenching of star formation, and gas-stripping may occur within filaments. We study the relationship between distance to filament and the stellar mass, colour, and H i gas content of galaxies using data from the REsolved Spectroscopy of a Local VolumE survey and Environmental COntext (ECO) catalogue, two overlapping census-style, volume-complete surveys. We use the Discrete Persistence Structures Extractor to identify cosmic web filaments over the full ECO area. We find that galaxies close to filaments have higher stellar masses, in agreement with previous results. Controlling for stellar mass, we find that galaxies also have redder colours and are more gas poor closer to filaments. When accounting for group membership and halo mass, we find that these trends in colour and gas content are dominated by the increasing prevalence of galaxy group environments close to filaments, particularly for high-halo mass and low-stellar mass galaxies. Filaments have an additional small effect on the gas content of galaxies in low-mass haloes, possibly due to cosmic web stripping.
Abstract We present a novel approach for identifying cosmic web filaments within the
DisPerSE structure identification framework, using cosmic density field estimates from the Monte Carlo Physarum Machine (MCPM), inspired by the slime mold organism. We apply our method to the IllustrisTNG (TNG100) cosmological simulations and investigate the impact of filaments on galaxies. The MCPM density field is superior to the Delaunay tessellation field estimator in tracing the true underlying matter distribution and allows filaments to be identified with higher fidelity, finding more low-prominence/diffuse filaments. Using our new filament catalogs, we find that ≳90% of galaxies are located within ∼1.5 Mpc of a filamentary spine, with little change in the median star formation activity with distance to the nearest filament. Instead, we uncover a differential effect of the local filament line density, Σfil(MCPM)—the total MCPM overdensity per unit length along a filament segment—on galaxy formation: most galaxies are quenched and gas-poor near high-line density filaments atz ≤ 1. At earlier times, the filamentary environment appears to have no effect on galactic gas supply and quenching. Atz = 0, quenching in galaxies is mainly driven by mass, while lower-mass galaxies are significantly affected by the filament line density. Satellites are far more susceptible to filaments than centrals. The local environments of massive halos are not sufficient to account for the effect of filament line density on gas removal and quenching. Our new approach holds great promise for observationally identifying filaments from galaxy surveys such as SDSS and DESI. -
ABSTRACT We present the first detection of mass-dependent galactic spin alignments with local cosmic filaments with >2σ confidence using IFS kinematics. The 3D network of cosmic filaments is reconstructed on Mpc scales across GAlaxy and Mass Assembly fields using the cosmic web extractor DisPerSe. We assign field galaxies from the SAMI survey to their nearest filament segment in 3D and estimate the degree of alignment between SAMI galaxies’ kinematic spin axis and their nearest filament in projection. Low-mass galaxies align their spin with their nearest filament while higher mass counterparts are more likely to display an orthogonal orientation. The stellar transition mass from the first trend to the second is bracketed between $10^{10.4}$ and $10^{10.9}\, \mathrm{ M}_{\odot }$, with hints of an increase with filament scale. Consistent signals are found in the Horizon-AGN cosmological hydrodynamic simulation. This supports a scenario of early angular momentum build-up in vorticity rich quadrants around filaments at low stellar mass followed by progressive flip of spins orthogonal to the cosmic filaments through mergers at high stellar mass. Conversely, we show that dark matter only simulations post-processed with a semi-analytical model treatment of galaxy formation struggles to reproduce this alignment signal. This suggests that gas physics is key in enhancing the galaxy-filament alignment.