Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG) G=(V,E), we say that G is (e,d)-depth-robust (resp. (e,d)-edge-depth-robust) if for any set S⊆V (resp. S⊆E) of at most |S|≤e nodes (resp. edges) the graph G−S contains a directed path of length d. While edge-depth-robust graphs are potentially easier to construct, many applications in cryptography require node depth-robust graphs with small indegree. We create a graph reduction that transforms an (e,d)-edge-depth-robust graph with m edges into a (e/2,d)-depth-robust graph with O(m) nodes and constant indegree. One immediate consequence of this result is the first construction of a provably (nloglognlogn,nlogn(logn)loglogn)-depth-robust graph with constant indegree. Our reduction crucially relies on ST-robust graphs, a new graph property we introduce which may be of independent interest. We say that a directed, acyclic graph with n inputs and n outputs is (k1,k2)-ST-robust if we can remove any k1 nodes and there exists a subgraph containing at least k2 inputs and k2 outputs such that each of the k2 inputs is connected to all of the k2 outputs. If the graph if (k1,n−k1)-ST-robust for all k1≤n we say that the graph is maximally ST-robust. We show how to construct maximally ST-robust graphs with constant indegree and O(n) nodes. Given a family M of ST-robust graphs and an arbitrary (e,d)-edge-depth-robust graph G we construct a new constant-indegree graph Reduce(G,M) by replacing each node in G with an ST-robust graph from M. We also show that ST-robust graphs can be used to construct (tight) proofs-of-space and (asymptotically) improved wide-block labeling functions.
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On Explicit Constructions of Extremely Depth Robust Graphs
A directed acyclic graph G = (V,E) is said to be (e,d)-depth robust if for every subset S ⊆ V of |S| ≤ e nodes the graph G-S still contains a directed path of length d. If the graph is (e,d)-depth-robust for any e,d such that e+d ≤ (1-ε)|V| then the graph is said to be ε-extreme depth-robust. In the field of cryptography, (extremely) depth-robust graphs with low indegree have found numerous applications including the design of side-channel resistant Memory-Hard Functions, Proofs of Space and Replication and in the design of Computationally Relaxed Locally Correctable Codes. In these applications, it is desirable to ensure the graphs are locally navigable, i.e., there is an efficient algorithm GetParents running in time polylog|V| which takes as input a node v ∈ V and returns the set of v’s parents. We give the first explicit construction of locally navigable ε-extreme depth-robust graphs with indegree O(log |V|). Previous constructions of ε-extreme depth-robust graphs either had indegree ω̃(log² |V|) or were not explicit.
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- 10322470
- Editor(s):
- Berenbrink, Petra and
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Leibniz international proceedings in informatics
- Volume:
- 219
- 1868-8969
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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