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Title: Positive-to-negative behavioural responses suggest hedonic evaluation in treefrog mate choice
Sexual competition hinges on the ability to impress other conspecifics, to drive them away or attract them. In such cases, the selective environment may be hedonic or affective in nature, as it consists of the evaluations of the individuals making the decisions. This may contribute to the power of sexual selection because evaluations may range from positive to negative rather than simply from positive to neutral. Selection due to mate choice may therefore be stronger than currently appreciated. Further, change in preferred mate types can occur simply by changes (flips) in the evaluation of similar display features, adding to the dynamism of sexual selection as well as its strength. We tested the hypothesis of positive-to-negative behavioural responses in mate choice with a playback experiment using two treefrog species with ‘mirror image’ structures in their advertisement and aggressive calls. Female treefrog responses ranged from approach to evasion, and the presence of an aversive stimulus tainted evaluation of an attractive stimulus. Further, females in the two species showed flips in approach/evasion of stimuli with comparable signal structure. These results suggest that hedonic evaluation may have an important role in mate choice and showcase how mechanistic analysis can help understand evolutionary processes.  more » « less
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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Mate choice can thus occur in myriad ways after mating, through behavioral, morphological, and physiological mechanisms. Like other biological traits, mating preferences vary among individuals and species along multiple dimensions. Some of this is likely adaptive, as different individuals will have different optimal mates. Indeed, mate choice may be more about choosing compatible partners than picking the “best” mate in the absolute sense. Compatibility-based choice can drive or reinforce genetic divergence and lead to speciation. The mechanisms underlying the “taste for the beautiful” determine whether mate choice accelerates or inhibits reproductive isolation. If preferences are learned from parents, or covary with ecological differences like the sensory environment, then choice can promote genetic divergence. If everyone shares preferences for attractive ornaments, then choice promotes gene flow between lineages. 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