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Title: Perturbation-based Regret Analysis of Predictive Control in Linear Time Varying Systems
We study predictive control in a setting where the dynamics are time-varying and linear, and the costs are time-varying and well-conditioned. At each time step, the controller receives the exact predictions of costs, dynamics, and disturbances for the future k time steps. We show that when the prediction window k is sufficiently large, predictive control is input-to-state stable and achieves a dynamic regret of O(λkT), where λ<1 is a positive constant. This is the first dynamic regret bound on the predictive control of linear time-varying systems. We also show a variation of predictive control obtains the first competitive bound for the control of linear time-varying systems: 1+O(λk). Our results are derived using a novel proof framework based on a perturbation bound that characterizes how a small change to the system parameters impacts the optimal trajectory.  more » « less
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Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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